Chapter 4: A dream but is it a nice one?

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You see that it's getting pretty late so you decide to head back to your room. You put the clothes you were given in a closet and from the closet you take what seems to be a night gown. When you finish putting it on you hear a knock on your door.
- Come in! You say loudly so whoever is on the other side can hear you.
- I came to tell you goodnight my Lady since I was heading towards my room I decided to stop by. Says Sebastian in a soft voice.
- And why did you? I say in a threatning voice.
- Am I not allowed to? And my... do I feel like you are threatning me?
- No of course you may. I try to cover up but he notices.
- If I were you I wouldn't threaten me. He held my face with one hand squezeing it harder. He shakes my head as well and then takes his hands off of me. I started to blush.
- Well then I shall take my leave goodnight and sweet dreams.
- Goodnight to you to Sebastian. I say. You were sitting on the edge of the bed when you decide to just fall on the bed and fall asleep.

~Dream ~

- Father? Is mother in a better place now?
- Yes sweety she is...
- Is she happier?
- I am sure she is and she would have wanted for you to be happy too.
- Then if she's happy I'm happy.
- Y/N listen. I promised your mother that you will be happy and live a better life no matter what you shall find happiness!

~ You have awaken from the dream~

Just when you awaken you hear a knock on your door again.
- Come in! I shout.
- Well someone is up and loud good morning Miss.
- Ah yes... Sebastian good morning to you also.
- Have you slept well Y/N?
- Oh yes but I had a dream from my past hmph.
- Was it a nice one? Sebastian asked with some worry in his voice.
- To be honest with you not really... You see my mother was killed by the queen and everything else is a blur for now at least and I don't really wan't to remember all of that was hell in a way. Untill I came here all has changed for the better.
- My you suffered a lot though for now I can only help you in simple things for one I shall serve you your breakfast so what would you like?
- Oh *insert what you want to eat cuz I can't think of anything*
- Good choice here. He lends me my breakfast on a tray with some tea to the side. I eat my breakfast while chatting with Sebastianand sipping my tea he was an interesting guy I would like to get to know him better.
- May I take what's left if you're done I need to go and clean it up.
- Oh yes yes here. I hand him the tray and everything that was left of my breakfast on it.
- Oh and Sebastian thank you for everything.
- No need to thank me. I am simply one hell of a butler.
- I let out a little sigh adding yes, yes you are. He then leaves so I decide to get dressed. I go to my closet take out the black maid's dress and ribbon I was given to put it on. After putting my maid's dress on I put an apron over it so it doesn't get dirty. To finish my dressing up off I tie my hair in a ponytail and tie it with the black ribbon (⬆up is the dress u wear⬆).


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