Chapter 28: A morning's exchange

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~2nd POV~

The morning's breakfast was quite something despite the badly peeled potatoes, Sebastian really was an amazing cook no doubt. Sadly, you had nobody to eat with so you sat alone in a corner chewing on some bacon, seeing as you were in no hurry coming 15 minutes earlier than the rest you took your time to chew your food and think.

5 minutes later you feel a presence near you, the reason as to why you didn't know who it was in that instant could be blamed on the fact you were facing the tent's only opening through which the sun's still weak rays shone through and with them people who wanted to eat came into the tent.

"Enjoying your meal?" You recognized that voice right away thinking turning around felt unnecessary.

"Yes, very much so, Sebastian." You answered giving a faint smile causing you to turn in the man's direction.

"May I take a seat?" He asked politely.

"Of course! Of course! There is no need to ask." You assured him. Sebastian took the seat on the opposite side of you.

"Have you seen anything unusual by any chance?" You question him, the circus and it's members all seemed fake that much you could tell. Most people who seem to be happy on the outside tend to be sad on the inside.

"Unfortunetaley no, I haven't seen the slightest unnerving thing happen so far." His tone sounded disappointed.

"Well... we both know what to do if we see anything fishy." You retort.

"Indeed." He smiled but the smile quickly gave into a frown. "I must apologize but due to the fact more people seem to be coming it's best I get going and start the next round of fish and chips. Till we meet again, my dear." He winked and set off to the 'kitchen'.

You sighed "so dramatic." Not that you didn't like it in fact it suited him well.

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