How You Met

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This is going to be one of those imagines that is totally not accurate to show all that much, but I need it like this for this particular imagine. If you don't like, don't read. No hate please!


"Ha! Beat you again!"

Ron threw his hands up in defeat. "Dammit, Y/n! That's the fourth time in a row."

"You know Ron, for a guy who's practically glued to this tv, you really suck at video games." Ron fiddled with his controller as the status board appeared on the medium sized tv screen. Y/n sat up from the bean bag chair on the floor, walking over to her best friend who was laying on Ron's bed, reading a cook book.

"Give him a break, Y/n. He's already a bad player. Go easy on the poor kid," Edin said, her eyes never leaving the page giving instructions on how to make a batch of brownies.

Y/n threw a pillow at her head. "I did."

"Did not," Ron barked back.

"Yes, Ron. She did." Y/n's brother Lucas was casually leaning in the doorway, watching his little sister beat the snot out of Ron.

"Thank you, Luc," Y/n nodded her head to him in thanks.

"Always, baby sis." He saluted to her.

"That's not fair. I deserve a rematch. I wasn't ready. You were distracting me with your perfectness," argued Ron.

"Oh bull." Edin set down the cookbook and repositioned herself to where she sat on the edge of the bed, instead of on her stomach.

Ron went off about how things weren't in his favor, but it was a different commotion that got Y/n's attention. "Shh!"

"Don't tell me to be quie-"

"Shut up! Listen." Ron stopped talking as the sound of yelling sounded outside the house. The four rushed over to the window to see people walking in the direction of the main gate.

"Somethings up. Let's check it out," Lucas said, leaving the window and grabbing his machete.

"Right behind you." Y/n followed his lead, grabbing her bow and quiver filled with arrows.

"Hey, wait for us!" Edin called. Her and Ron followed the siblings outside and raced to the edge of Alexandria.

At the gates, people were gathered into a tight crowd, making it hard to see through.

"What's going on?" Y/n asked someone in the crowd.

"People." That was all they needed to hear. Y/n and Lucas pushed through some more layers of the group and we're just close enough to see through. There were people. A small group of them.

"Y/n, Y/n look." Lucas was pointing at a man, late 30s, holding a crossbow. There was only one man they knew that chose a crossbow as their preferred weapon. "Is that..."

"Uncle Daryl!" Y/n called. The man turned, facing the direction his name was called from. His face lit up as he saw Y/n and Lucas. Y/n broke out of the crowd and ran into Daryl's open arms, embracing her uncle for the first time in years. Daryl spun his niece around, setting her down to look at how much she had changed.

"I thought I would never see you again," Daryl said.

"I can't believe your actually here."

"And I'm not going anywhere." Daryl then let go of Y/n and hugged Lucas.

After the happy reunion, Daryl turned to the group. "Guys, this is my niece Y/n, and my nephew Lucas."

A scruffy man walked over and shook hands with the siblings. He seemed to be the leader of the group. "I'm Rick. Rick Grimes. This is my son Carl, and my daughter Judith." Carl, who was holding Judith, smiled at Y/n and she returned the favor. Judith was a baby. There weren't many babies around much. It was nice to see one for a change. "Over there is Carol, Michonne, Glenn, and Maggie," Rick added.

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