No Hard Feelings

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"Y/n, come on! We need to go now if we don't want to get caught."

"Calm down, Edin. I'm almost ready." Y/n was tying up the laces of her combat boots. She looked in the mirror, smoothing out her shirt and braiding her hair. Once she was pleased with her appearance, she tucked a knife into her boot.

Y/n opened her closed bedroom door to find her best friend and her brother Lucas waiting for her outside.

"What?" She asked, the bewildered looks on their faces evident.

"What took you so long? Usually your kicking our asses out the door by now," Lucas said.

"So what? Is it a crime to have a nice cleansing shower?" Y/n smugly remarked.

Lucas rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Let's just go get Carl and Ron." They started down the stairs, and Y/n breathed a sigh of relief. She had a crush on Carl, so she wanted to look nice for him. She wasn't sure how everyone else would react, so she didn't tell them. If they figured it out on their own, there was nothing she could do to stop it.

Y/n followed the pair out into the street, walking the 5 minutes over to Carl's house. Lucas knocked on the door, and Rick answered, calling Carl to come down. He showed up a few seconds later looking just as hot as ever, grabbed a knife, putting it under his belt where it could be hidden, and put on his trusty 'ol sheriffs hat. Saying bye to his dad, he smiled and joined us as we left for Ron's house last.

"Hey," Carl said to Y/n, having them drift to the back.


"You look nice today."

She flushed. "Thanks. You're not so bad yourself," She replied. He smiled to himself, giving her a little side eyebrow raise, then averting his gaze back to the ground.

Ron's house wasn't very far from Carl's. Personally, Carl didn't really like Ron. He always tried to impress or seduce Y/n in some way, and even though Carl knows she won't fall for it, there's a part of him that feels like, eventually, she will. But she's smart, and he knows that. He just hopes he can man up soon and tell her his feelings for her.

When they got to the house, Y/n was the one to knock on the door. Ron answered, beaming at the sight of his imaginary girlfriend, delighted by the fact she was the one to knock. Of course, Ron believed that it was always a much bigger deal than it was.

"Y/n! What a surprise," said Ron.

"You knew we were coming."

"Same thing," Y/n gave him a look, "how about a hello kiss?" He started to lean forward and pucker up his lips. Carl's blood was boiling with jealousy. He took a step up, willing to protect her if he needed to.

Y/n quickly backed away and covered his mouth with her hand. "How about I beat your ass and feed you to the walkers?"

She removed her hand and Ron laughed nervously. "Point taken." Carl backed off. He knew she could take care of it. Ron walked fully out of his house, closing the door shut behind him. "How about we get going?" The group turned around and started off the porch and heading towards the fence.

Y/n was toward the front, engaged in a conversation with her brother and her best friend, leaving Carl and Ron in the back. Ron reached over and put an arm out in front of Carl to get him to drift back a little farther. Once they were out of earshot, Carl gave Ron a questioning look.

"Look, I know you like Y/n. It's not that hard to figure out. I've seen it before."

Carl looked bewildered, but then turned serious again. "Why does it matter if I like her?"

"Because she obviously likes me." Ron boasted. It took Carl all of the strength and willpower he had to not burst out laughing right then and there. Instead he smiled and chuckled.

"Likes you? She threatened to feed you to the walkers a few minutes ago."

"Your point is?" Ron asked unamused.

"Yesterday you tried to put your arm around her shoulders and she put you in an arm lock."


"She slapped you last week."

"And it was awesome."

Carl sighed in frustration. "Clearly you and I have very different perspectives on how she shows affection."

"Look man, all I'm trying to say is that when I win her over, no hard feelings, right?" Ron ran ahead to catch up with everyone else, not giving Carl a chance to answer. But he'll show Ron. And he'll do it today.

Part 2?

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