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It was too early.

Way earlier than Enjolras would have liked, but he had things to do, essays to finish. Namely his paper for his economics and statistics class which he has with the worst most hated teacher- Professor Javert, who has a well known grudge against Enjolras and his friends. No one really knows why.

Still, it was early and if he didn't want to anger the old git and actually pass the class, Enjolras needed to finish the last paragraph of his essay explaining the theory behind a governments something which leads to something else that effects everyone as it means we have none of the thing we payed for in 1563.

 Or something along those lines at least. 

He hopes. 

He's not quite sure, he feels delusional with the lack of sleep.

Enjolras crawled from his bed, and slunk into his ensuite to relieve his bladder before heading to the kitchen to start his coffee brewing while he gets started on finishing the essay. 

There was an orange glow filtering through the curtains of the living room of his and Combferre's apartment, drawing the young blonde to open them and venture outside with his laptop to sit in one of the chairs they had with a table out on their balcony so he could watch the sunrise and hopefully feel better about the whole morning with some of natures beauty.

With their apartment facing the road opposite the cafe he and his friends frequently visited, there was a quiet hum of life stirring in the street as some early workers started their commute or shops picked up their stocks to be shelved before opening. There was enough going on to be interesting, but not enough to become too distracting Enjolras noted as he opened the document he was working on and then went to finish preparing his coffee.

Warm mug in hand, Enjolras returned to the slightly (really) uncomfortable chair he had ben sat upon before and took a sip of coffee. After placing the mug back down onto the table they also had outside, he began to type, his fingers dancing across the keys before stopping momentarily to read what what written, only to make use of the delete key. This cycle happened quite a few times and the delete key was used more often than not, soon becoming the most used. Things were not going well, and the blonde ran his hands through his bed hair before covering his face with the pale fingers and groaning to himself.

"But soft, what light through yonder window breaks?"

Enjolras' head snapped up and he looked around to find the soft baritone voice which had just spoken. Not seeing anything, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

I really am going delusional.

"It is the east and Juliet is the sun!" The voice came again and the amusement could be heard in the slight slur that accompanied the words.

"It is my lady, O, it is my love! O that she knew she were!"

Enjolras now stood up and went to the edge of balcony where there was a barrier made of metal stopping him from falling. Looking down, his first impression was that a tramp was quoting him Shakespeare, however he then later realised this was no tramp as, if he were one he would most likely not know Shakespeare by heart. 

The man had unruly dark curls that were messily styled in a way that actually suited the rugged but soft looking face of the head they were a part of. The man had emerald eyes that shone with amusement and most likely the remnants of whatever had intoxicated the man a few hours prior. He was young, not much younger than himself he would say, and he seemed to have smudges of colour across him. 

If Enjolras were Sherlock, he may have been able to deduce that this was an art student at the same university he went to and who probably knows Jehan as Jehan seems to know everyone in the creative arts. He may also have deduced that the sudden flutter he got was because the man was strangely attractive and the fact he knew Shakespeare was actually quite a turn on for Enjolras as it means that was quite intelligent. 

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