Chapter One ~ Some stupid American geek

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So here's what you need to know. You have my not-so identical twin, Tessa. She has boys falling at her feet, literally. All the guys want her and all the girls want to be her. They just want to sleep with her, well that’s what you get for being so irresistible. That’s what all teenage boys crave. Lucky me I don’t fit into that category.  

Don't get me wrong here; I really do love her but it's kind of hard when you hardly have anything in common. Tessa's into cheerleading and has been ever since we moved to London, 2 years ago. During that time span, she practically made everyone worship her and became the new Queen B as well as the new cheerleading captain of Constance High. As for me, well, I did make a few friends. No one really wanted to be friends with the not-so-good looking twin.

I suppose it might sound like I'm jealous but I can assure you that I'm not. I've heard some of Mum's friends saying that I had nice eyes but they also added that it was just a shame that I wasn't as skinny as Tessa. I had thick eyelashes which curled up at the ends which reminded me of a cat. That's not where I got my name is though. My full name is Catriona but I like to just shorten it to Cat. My parents' insist on calling me Catriona which kind of sucks since I'm not really a big fan of the name. Who would want to be called Catriona?

Anyways, Mum is driving us crazy because there's an American family coming over tonight. The company that dad works for in London has had a new chief executive foisted on them from New York headquarters. Everyone in the office is dead scared that the new boss is going to be a man who will fire everyone or sell off the company but Dad says we have reserve our judgement and just wait and see. Since dad is one of the managers, he has to invite the new boss and his family for dinner tonight and mum is going mental with the stress of it all. I don't get why she's so eager to get it perfect. I stressed could someone get over a dinner party?

Both Tessa and I were just planning to hide out in our bedrooms rather than endure the boredom of a dinner party, but now we have heard that they have a seventeen year old son, Josh, who's coming which means that we have to be involved as well. Tessa is absolutely furious because she was meant to go out with her eighteen-year-old boyfriend.

"I can't be bothered babysitting some stupid American geek", she told Mum

"Tessa honey, he's seventeen. The same age as you. In fact, I think he might be a few months older."

"You don't get it, do you? Seventeen-year-old boys are so immature. He's probably some dork who's obsessed with video games. Mum I have no time for this," Tessa said before she stormed off.

Mum didn't take no for an answer and after a lot of arguing and bribing Tessa was forced to stay home much to her dismay. Tessa was in a bad mood which made mum even more stressed. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and took it out. I got a text from my best friend, Lindsey.

Hey, I'm coming over before the dinner. Be there in 5 :) - Lindsey

Finally, I get to spend time with civilised people. Mum is going balistic and Dad's really nervous. Though I think Mum's more likely to have a panic attack than Dad :) - Cat

"So do you think he will be hot?"Lindsey asked with a wink. Lindsey and I were hanging around in my room after she arrived 25 minutes ago. I was known as a matchmaker to Lindsey. She thought that I would maybe match her and Josh together but I doubt it.

"Well, Tessa thinks that he's some kind of video-game-obsessed-dork, so I don't really know what to think." I replied.

"How tall do you think he might be? I swear all the guys in London are so short", Lindsey said, obviously hoping that he was taller than her. If you haven't guessed already, Lindsey was tall. Taller than most guys here in London so when it came to guys, it was never easy for her.

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