Chp 1. Pilot

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(Picture of Belle played by Barbara Palvin)

A/N: Okay, okay I know I said I would update every Friday but pfffft who cares, i'm bored and I like to procrastinate, so here it is, the first chapter! :)

Chapter 1. Pilot


Got your suitcase ready honey?" Mum says as I make my way downstairs, my electric blue suitcase, which by the way is my favourite colour following behind me all packed and ready to go.

"Yep!" I say trying to stay positive, "I think I've got everything!" But really, behind that smile was a girl who was pulling her hair out, not literally of course.

My mum then gives me a hug and I sigh slightly, I really didn't want my parents to go to Australia but they have to for work which was completely sudden. My mum and dad both work in the business career so basically they work 24/7, don't even ask me why there going to Australia, some random business shit no doubt that's oh so important.

We both then make our way outside where dad was putting the remains of the luggage in the boot of the car. I then hand him my suitcase before giving him a massive hug and I watch as we drive out of our garage.

When we arrive at the Wilsons house I take a moment to stop and stare at Ryder's house because from what I see it looks beautiful. It was quite a large house painted white and in the front garden there were all sorts of different coloured flowers. My eyes then lead towards the front door where I see Ryder's parents open the door. That's when I suddenly hear my stomach churn and realising that any minute now I'll be living with, him.

I scan my eyes to see if I can see Ryder but there's no sign of him anywhere. I then realise that my parents were already out of the car so I decide to get out as well. After all I probably looked like a complete idiot staring into blank space.

"Hello! You must be Belle." Ryder's mum says as she takes a closer look at me.

"Hi Mrs Wilson nice to meet you." I say as I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Oh please, it's Belinda." She says smiling, "And this is my husband Tom." Tom then looks at me and smiles, I smile back.

Before going inside I say my final goodbyes to my parents and watch as they drive away. As we all get inside Belinda shows me a tour of the house and then shows me to my room leaving me to unpack and settle in. After unpacking I then search my bag for my current novel which I'm reading and curl up into my bed and read it. Right now I'm reading Dear John and I'm completely hooked, I've actually seen the movie but, the book is much better.

(A/N Just a little side note -Seriously guys you have to read it/watch it if you haven't already. Nicholas Sparks is an amazing author!)

I then debate on whether or not I should procrastinate by watching Netflix instead of doing homework but I actually decide to continue with my science report and squeeze in some quick revision. Which, by the way is so unlike me.

It reaches dinner and there's still no sign of Ryder, strange how he's out when it's a Sunday night and we have a science exam on Tuesday. God knows what he's doing this late out at night, probably banging someone or at a party but to be honest I couldn't care less. Someone's going to fail there Science exam aren't they? That someone not being me!

However, I did get a chance to meet Ryder's younger brother, Tommy who is a complete and utter smart ass. Who knew a fourteen year old could think of so many come backs but anyway I guess we learn new things everyday..

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