Chapter 6 -- BrainFreeze!

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-:-:-Chapter 6-:-:-

"3.. 2.. 1.. go." I whispered as Harry opened the cap of the bottled water.

We're on an empty classroom where Louis is currently sleeping. Classes are over. And yea, we've got something up our sleeves.

"Wait! Get your phone ready, Sophie. We HAVE TO post his reaction on Instagram.", Harry quietly chuckled.

"Okay then.." I smirked, giving him a high five.

Apparently, we're doing a prank on Louis, though we both know that he's a better prankstar than the two of us combined.

But just as I was about to start the countdown.. the bottle slid from Harry's fingers and the cold liquid 'accidentally' pours on Louis' head.

"Whoa! What the hell?!", he shot up from his seat, the sleepy state still taking over.

I took multiple pictures of Louis' priceless reaction as me and Harry laughed our heads off.

"That's not funny, man!", he said sternly, crossing his arms.

"Well, it is.. Honestly.", I raised my arms in mock surrender.

He just rolled his eyes, leaving the room with soaking wet hair.. Whilst me and Harry are still laughing after what just happened.


"Are you done yet?!", Louis yelled from outside the girls' bathroom, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

Well, I couldn't blame him. Who wants to be awakened by a cold bottle of water?

"One more minute!", I yelled back.

"Ugh.", he groaned.

I applied foundation and concealer on my face to make me look.. more presentable. (and to hide those little stuff in your face too)

Next, I applied eyeliner and mascara to compliment my brown eyes. I guess it made a little change though.

Then suddenly, I heard the bushes moving from the tiny bathroom window; Harry's face popping up.

"Fudgecakes, Sophie! Stop applying those stuff and get in the car. Louis waits for no one."

"What? Tell him to wait. I'm fixing myself so I'd have a good impression with the boys.", I reasoned.

"Why are you so paranoid? I said.. LOUIS WAITS FOR NO ONE. Now go hurry up or you'll have to walk to the ice cream shop alone.", he repeated.

"Ugh, fine!"


"What took you so long, Sophie? We've been waiting for you for ages!", Louis scolded.

"Girly shit called make-up, Louis.", Harry replied.

My lips formed a shape of a perfect O.

"Stop calling it girly shit, Harry. It beautifies anyone. Do you think your cheerleader crushes will look 'fit' without it, huh?", I retort.

Don't judge, but I love make-up. It has been my best friend since I turned 13.

Err.. I sound like a bitch when I said that..

But hey, they just kept quiet. 1 Point for me. Yay!


"Oh My Gosh, Louis! Look at your face.. it's so priceless!", I giggled.

Right now, we're on our way to the ice cream shop. And Louis is driving..

Let's just pray that we won't crash or run over something.

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