Chapter 1 -- Hairdyes and Goodbyes

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I dedicate this chapter to @gottabelieveinmagic because she's simply awesome :) She'll always be my wattpad bff.. Everyone, this is Chapter 1.


-:-:-Chapter 1-:-:-

-Sophie's P.O.V-

"Mom! Do we really have to do this?", I whined, earning a death glare from mom.

"Oh please! You already said that for the billionth time! Just start packing for God's sake!", mom exclaimed.

"Daddy, I-"

"It's final, sweetie. We're moving there tomorrow whether you like it or not."


I stormed to my room and cried. There's really NOTHING I could do. I slowly drift to sleep with tear-stained cheeks.


I woke up in the floor with red and puffy eyes. It's late afternoon. And how did I get here? My room looks like a huricane hit it. My curtains are ripped, clothes are strewn all over the floor, the lamp is smashed into pieces. What the hell happened here?

I stood up and decided to take a shower. And that's when the memories from this morning start flooding into me.

*This morning*

"Good Morning princess! How's your sleep?", Dad asked me way too cheerfully.

I'm surprised that Dad is here for breakfast. He's not usually at home.

"Morning Dad! And.. uh.. It's good?" I really don't know how to answer these questions.

"Great. I have a big surprise for you!" Dad grinned.

Seriously? What's with his attitude today?

"Uh.. sure?" I asked, rather than 'say'.

We wait for mom to serve our pancakes. I really like the ones with chocolate chips! Then she quickly took her seat.

Now both of my parents have goofy smiles on their faces. It seriously creeps me out.


I choked on my milk. "What?!"

"Don't you like it, honey? We're finally moving out of here." Mom said.

"No way!" I yelled. And that's pretty much the beginning of our argument.

I ran to my room and wept on the floor. I threw everything I could find and slowly went to sleep.

*Flashback over*

And now I'm sitting here, cross-legged, staring at my still-empty suitcase. This place is definitely a mess, I don't even know where to start!

Hoping that I didn't threw it off the wall, I stood up in search for my phone.

"Jackpot!", I thought as I saw something shining.

I slid my finger through my i-phone and dialed Heather's number.

Heather is my bestfriend since 6th Grade. People say we're inseperable! But we'll surely be seperated now.. sigh. She looks like a model and she's proud of it. I mean, her long legs are to die for! And you could obviously tell the difference when we're next to each other. She's the fab one, I'm the plain jane.

"Hello? Sophie! Are you there?", Heather's voice snapped me out of my trance.

"Oh! Hey gurl! Sorry. I forgot you were there. uhm.. Can you come over?" I mumbled.

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