Diary Entry 1- Brooms and Boys

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Dear diary,
I just picked you up from the store. When I saw your design I just had to get you. Your beautiful salmon and mint green chevron cover just caught my eye. Anyways, today is August 12th,2017. The first day of 10th grade. Oh dear am I scared. I mean, I love school and all but no one ever understands me there. I'm just an outcast. I dress nicely, skirts and crop tops, I do my hair nicely, curls, why dont they like me? Well I'll have to talk to you later. My moms calling for me.

I run downstairs, grabbing my floral print purse and my diary, slipping it into my purses secret pocket, and grab my samsung phone. I slipped on my brown combat boots and headed to the car.

"Took you long enough." my best friend Jax said to me, grabbing my bag and sliding it in the backseat of his new mustang.

"Sorry my mom didnt tell me you were here until the last minute." I say, checking my instagram. Two DM messages from Zac? I think to myself. Whatever I'll read it later. Zac is my crush since 4th grade. He never likes me though so I know I have negative 100 chances.

When we finally reach the school, me and Jax head our separate ways. Which is how it works most of the time. Unless Kaitlin (my other best friend) is here, in which we would walk together.

"Mom! Im home!" I yell up the stairs. My father left when I was 3 months old so it's just me and my mom now. She must be working night shift at the Police Station. When i reach the fridge, my eyes naturally gravitate to the neon post-it note addressed to me.

Warm up the leftover pizza in the fridge for dinner. I bought you a huge bag of Takis to go with it. See you tomorrow. Love you.

I sigh and pick up my phone,checking the DM messages.

Text me.


I quickly type the number into my phone and shakily text Zac.

Me: Hey its Aspen.

Him: Finally.

Me: So whats up.

Him: Come over.

Me:I cant I dont have a car and my moms on night shift.

Him: Then tomorrow at the park. 4 o clock.

Me: ok bye.

Him: yeah.

As I set my phone on the counter I instantly start thinking of reasons he wants me to come over. I'm the nerd. The pretty nerd at that.

Pushing the thought aside, I warm up pizza and grab my chips heading to the couch turning on Netflix and grabbing my laptop, going to WattPad, checking my latest notifications. 4million votes!!!!

At 6 o clock a knock at the door startles me from my nap. I cautiously grab my phone in one hand and my broom in the other.

Yeah aspen cause if someone comes to the door your gonna wack them with a broom.

I open the door and smack the person standing holding a box of chocolates. I look down and see a farmiliar figure. Tall. Brown hair. Hazel eyes.

Oh no. It cant be. No no no.


The Diary Of A Teenage Girl (#WATTYS2016)(SLOWLY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now