Diary Entry Seven- I gotta Pee

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"Will you be my girlfriend Aspen?"

"I-uh... Gotta pee."
Dear diary,
I don't know why I made such a stupid decision. But I did. I'm such a idiot. I want to go cry in a corner and never come out.
Sad Aspen.

I close my notebook and get out of the tub. It's time for me to face Zac with my decision.

Here it goes.

I step out of the tub and slowly open the door. Whilst walking down the stairs to the couch where I had left him, I heard him talking to someone.

".. Love you too. I'll be there soon. Bye." Zac had said to the unknown human being.

I was furious.

"Thats how you treat me?!?!" I yell into the living room, making Zac jump three feet up in the air."You ask me to be your girlfriend and then go talk to a girl telling her you love her?!?! You little player!" I yelled at him. Tears sprung from my eyes. "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!" My voice was going weak, I was punching him in the chest at this point. My punches weren't that hard because I've never done any sport before. He didnt move. He just held me in his arms while I sobbed in his chest.

Wait Aspen! You hate him!

I push myself off of his chest and stand up. A look of hurt covers Zacs face.

"Let me explain Aspen!" Zac was standing up now, reaching his hand out to me."I was on the phone with my mom. Please, I'm not the player you think I am. I love you and your my everything and I know I just asked you-"

Before he could say too much, I locked our lips together.

"I love you too." I said."And yes, I will be your girlfriend."

Sorry yall for a short chapter! I will be uploading longer chapters today and tomorrow!!

Stay happy!

The Diary Of A Teenage Girl (#WATTYS2016)(SLOWLY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now