Diary Entry Five- Caked In Kisses

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Dear diary,
Why am I always the one who gets scared half to death and then surprised?!?! I never understand it. Well if your wondering why I'm so confused as to why that happened, well, just listen.

"Zac" I exclaimed


"Why are you here"
"How did you get in" I questioned as he stood there calmly.

"Chill your mom let me in, I'm here making you a cake to say thank you for helping me and to start off on a better foot."

Oh yeah I almost forgot about that.
"Sorry about that"

" It's fine" he assured me.
"How about you help me finish this cake?"

10 minutes later

After putting my things down my things and changing I walked into the kitchen, put my apron on, and began to help him.

I was pretty surprised at how good he was at baking.

" so how did you learn to bake so well?" I asked curiously.

" I used to help my mom bake back when she had a bakery."

" That's cool."

"Yeah what about you do you have any experience with baking?"

I hesitated " umm not really."

" Thats okay you can do some easier stuff."

He took me over to the blender were there was a few ingredients already measured.

He told me just to put them in the blender and showed me how to work the blender.

Everything was fine until I tried turning on the blender and the ingredients went everywhere. I started to freak out. But when Zac ran over and pressed the off button (that is, after he got rained on with all the halfway mixed,clumpy ingredients.), he touched my hand.

Somehow that calmed me a million times more. I just felt....



"Are you okay Aspen?" he asked me, there was a glint of concern in his eyes. He meant it.

"I think so." i said. He stepped closer to me. And closer. And closer untik we were bumping noses. And then it all happened.

The kiss.

Yes, the kiss.




For the chapter. Love ya!!!!!!!

Go check out her account!

The Diary Of A Teenage Girl (#WATTYS2016)(SLOWLY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now