Dead without Death -Murder of crows-

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xxx -Morts' POV- xxx

"Crack!" The fierce slashing of a whip bit through the frozen air. My breath was becoming icy clouds ahead of me, as I tried to keep my deathly pale face hidden by the long silky black hood of my cloak. Shielding my eyes from the horror that surrounded me. I heard a deep yet soft growl of a voice slither over the air, sounding lost and hopeless.

"March! Did I tell you to stop?!" The voice bellowed a croaky scream and the whip echoed again as it met what I presumed to be flesh. I hurriedly stepped back hearing an icy voice near me. I couldn't get caught, not that it would matter, I mean they couldn't exactly kill me. I edged away from the howls of pain that rang through the dark streets, I was used to screams of pain, but this was just barbaric. The whole world was virtually dead, and yet I wasn't even involved. I strolled down the filthy and deserted alley, a low tuneless whistle escaping my lips. This has to end. Death doesn't work this way, I should know.

Step after numb step I searched the streets, searching for shelter, searching for life, something I knew would never come, especially to me. I scuffed my tattered shoes along the road and stopped when I saw a familiar street. I envisioned myself here two years ago and remembered that this had been where my last victim had lived, ironic? A murder of crows swarmed above me and I chuckled at how cliche this must look. I looked up to their pained squawking faces, mocking what I had become.


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