Chapter Nine:

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"We convene this council to decide what we shall do about this unprovoked attack," Ama's father declared as everyone was finally settled into the Council Chambers. Orpheo was parked between Ama and Alec, with Desmond behind him. Guards were installed throughout all of the rooms. He saw a few familiar faces-Morton was serving drinks to some of those sitting around the Council table. 

"I had heard that one of yours has died. You have my condolences," A tall, dark looking stranger wearing odd clothes proclaimed.

"King Farris," Ama whispered to him. "Of the Black Claws Clan."

He nodded as though he understood what she was talking about. In truth, he was so bewildered by all that was occuring around him, that he was slightly dizzy and feeling queasy. He didn't like feeling so weak. He'd shifted only once since waking in his new quarters, there was no chance of him shifting again. His palms were clammy, and he kept thinking that he heard someone whispering, but it sounded more like the wind.

"Is it true that you have rescued one who can no longer shift?" Another called out, sounding anxious.

And at that, an uproar began. Orpheo wished he could be elsewhere-anywhere. There were too many people.

"SILENCE!" King Orthos bellowed, and there was sudden silence, but the whispering seemed to continue, nonetheless. Orpheo concentrated, struggling to see if it was really the wind or something else calling to him...

"Now then...Orpheo is the Prince of the Black Jaguars. They have betrayed him, abused him, and nearly killed him. Though Orpheo had no knowledge of my daughter's allignment, he saved her from his packmates at great personal risk to his own life. Therefore, I have adopted him as my own. He will begin training, as soon as things have calmed. He will learn the ways of the sword, as he can no longer shift. He will learn to fight, and to survive."

"That's all very well for him," A cold voice said. "But what if his clan attacks us again? Clearly they want him back for a reason."

"That reason is my sister." A familiar voice called out. "My black hearted sister Arrissa."

The whispering was getting louder...and he realized that it wasn't whispering, it was chanting. Witch Shara was still talking, but he couldn't concentrate on the words, not with the chanting growing louder and louder...

"Orpheo?" Ama's voice sounded concerned, but he couldn't respond. His hands were sweaty, his head felt like it was on fire, and he was aware of suddenly having Witch Shara at his side immediately.

"She is trying to grab hold of him," She said grimly. "Through the Dark Arts."

He gasped at a sudden flare of green fire that seemed to encircle him. 

"Back away!" She shouted suddenly, and he was suddenly alone on the chair...

And then the council room appeared to disappear. He blinked rapidly, struggling to regain control, and saw that Desmond had pressed a sword into his hands right before he'd disappeared. At least he was not completely unarmed, he reasoned, and resolved to thank Desmond later.

"If it is not the prince, come to my threshold," A woman decked in a black dress purred, coming to stand in front of him with a handful of wolves and jaguars at his side, some of whom looked suspiciously familiar. He stared at her.

"What do you want from me?" He demanded, aiming the sword at them. He'd played with wooden sticks shaped like swords before...he thought he might know how to use one, at least enough to defend himself. 

"Oh...I only want you so that I can use you to bring about the others downfall. They have been in control for far too long...and you are the key." She breathed, and he frowned. 

"Lady, I've got no idea who you are or what you're talking about." He responded, backing away as three wolves started to descend upon him. He wasn't sure if he could fight them all off...

The woman in black bent down to one of the wolves, and he caught what she said, freezing as she said the words...

"Attack. But do not kill. I want him alive," 

And the wolves lunged.


{Apologies for it being short, but my computer ate all of my writing before I could save it. So, this will have to do for now.}

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