Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Cadence POV:

In my birthday week, I was very preoccupied with the group Pure Blood Pride. Albus and Rose had told me that they wanted to meet up with me as soon as possible, but all three of us were very busy with the last exams before the Christmas break. So it wasn't until the weekend that we were finally able to take a walk on the snowy grounds of Hogwarts.

"Did you tell anyone, Cady?", Rose asked me.

"No, of course not!", I answered, "You told me not to, so I didn't! To be honest, by now I completely agree with you: It's probably better if we don't spread around any rumours in the castle."

Rose nodded: "Yes, I think that's right. The question is: What can we do now?"

"I'm not sure if we can do anything", Albus said, "We basically don't have anything to do with all of this, we just randomly heard about it."

"Well, our parent's adventures always started like this", Rose said with a mischievous smile.

Albus laughed: "Oh, I definitely see uncle Ron in you!"

"Maybe", Rose laughed, "but remember: My Mum is quite a badass as well!"

"But seriously: What do you want to do?", Albus asked.

Rose sighed: "Well, I'm not sure if it will work out, but I have an idea: We have some pieces of information like the conversation about Muggleborns that you overheard in the courtyard, the information about Pure Blood Pride that the house-elves gave us and so on... The only thing that we don't know is whether any people in Hogwarts are involved in Pure Blood Pride. But maybe we can find something out. As you know, my Dad and your Dad, Albus, work as aurors in the Ministry. So what if we can find a way to sneak into the Ministry and see what they know about this?"

"Are you serious?", I asked, shocked.

"Why not? I don't know about you, but I really want to know what's going on. And I'm sure the Ministry has more information than we do, but they won't give it to us just like that. If we know the names of suspicious people at Hogwarts, we can keep an eye on them."

"Don't you think that we should talk to an adult about this?", I asked.

Albus nodded: "It sounds more sensible than just sneaking into the Ministry of Magic."

"What do you want to tell the adults, then?", Rose asked.

"Well, maybe about the discriminatory conversation I overheard?", Albus said.

"But we don't know anything further than the fact that they dislike Muggleborns! We don't have a real suspect or something; I'm not sure they would take our concerns seriously."

"You're right", I answered, "But secretly sneaking into the Ministry sounds pretty dangerous to me."

"Not when your parents work there", Rose said.

"When I was younger, I sometimes accompanied my Dad to work", Albus said, "I'm sure it will be somehow possible to do that again and then maybe act like I'm only going to the toilet or whatever."

"Oh, I have an idea!", Rose exclaimed, "Albus, your Dad's Invisibility Cloak is still somewhere, right?"

Albus nodded.

"Alright", she continued, "So maybe you could try to steal it for one day, and when you are in the Ministry with him, act as if you were going to the toilet. But instead, you're looking at some of his documents – if you can find any –, wearing the Invisibility Cloak. Maybe you can find something about the few known members of Pure Blood Pride or see if they have any suspects."

"This sounds very dangerous", Albus said, "how do you expect me to look at any documents while my Dad is still in his office? That's probably where all his documents are as well, and even if he can't see me, he will still notice a drawer suddenly being opened or something like this..."

Rose was quiet for a while, then she said: "You're right there... I guess that's where Cady and I have to help you: We need to do something to distract your Dad, so you have got time to look at his documents in silence."

I still wasn't convinced: "How do you want to smuggle me and you into the Ministry as well? And by the way, we don't even know whether Albus' Dad has got any secret documents."

Albus nodded: "Maybe his boss has them... Or the Minister himself!"

"If the Minister is the only one who has got any such documents, we have a problem", Rose stated, "but I doubt it. Instead of only distracting your Dad, I can try to get his boss out of his office as well, for instance with a fake fire alarm or something."

"Have you gone crazy?", I said, "You'll end up in Azkaban!"

"Okay, maybe a fire alarm is a bit over the top", Rose answered, "but I'm sure we'll find something. Maybe our uncle George and his shop Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes can help us out a little bit."

I smiled: "Okay, why not? We'll see... But now I've got another question, Rose: Did you speak to Scorpius and the others about the hatred against Muggleborns and the reaction to the attacks in Manchester and Leeds in Slytherin?"

She nodded: "Yes, I have. They didn't notice anything special. Sure, some people didn't really make any comment at all, but I mean it was the same way in Gryffindor. Scorpius says that if there were any Muggleborn haters or even Neo Death Eaters in Slytherin, he wouldn't know about it and he would certainly not have anything to do with that."

"I see", I answered, "I mean, the prejudiced people don't necessarily have to come from Slytherin."

Rose smiled: "That's right. It's getting cold out here, let's go inside and have a hot chocolate!"

Hey everyone, I hope you're all doing well! Thanks for reading my story, I hope you liked this chapter. Please feel free to ask questions, make suggestions or tell me what you don't like. Have a wonderful Sunday! <3

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