Chapter Eighty-Four

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Albus POV:

Rose made "Shhh!" as soon as Violet had mentioned Cady and the possibility of her having escaped.

"I don't know where she is, but let's hope she managed to escape... But we shouldn't talk about it, in case they hear us", she whispered.

"But what do we do now?", I asked. We had just been in our entirely dark prison for one minute, but I already started to panic. "I'm so sorry that I took you with me! We're all going to die now!"

"Calm down, Al", Rose said and even though I couldn't see her, I was pretty sure she was rolling her eyes.

"Yes", Violet added, "we insisted on coming with you, it's not your fault."

I couldn't argue with that, so I focused on something else: "Anyway, what do you think is going to happen now?"

"I have no idea", Rose said. "What would they want from a bunch of 14-year-olds?"

"Hey, I'm 15!", I protested.

But before I could say anything else, Liza and Antonio entered our cave again.

"Alright, Albus", Antonio said, pointing his wand on my face.

I didn't say anything.

"You're probably wondering why we brought you here", he continued.

I just couldn't hold it back, so I said: "You didn't exactly bring me..."

He laughed: "You're quite outspoken, I see. Anyway, the reason you are here is that you're the son of Harry Potter."

"What?" Of all things, I hadn't expected this at all.

"That's right", Antonio said. "Pure Blood Pride is, essentially, just what some journalists claimed in their filthy newspapers: A bunch of Neo Death Eaters. But unlike most people believe, we're not ashamed to say that. Some of us are kids of former Death Eaters, others are Purebloods that realised that the Muggleborns are trying to take control of the magical world... We all have one thing in common: We want to finish Lord Voldemort's business."

His words sent shivers down my spine. He seemed so convinced by what he was saying...

"And the Dark Lord would be with us today", Liza jumped in. "If it weren't for your father. Your ugly, pathetic father killed him. But he couldn't kill his ideology. Albus Severus Potter, you're named after Albus Dumbledore, the evilest wizard of all times and Severus Snape, the biggest traitor in the world. And you're Harry Potter's son. You stand for what we hate more than anyone else, to be honest."

"Kill me, then", I said drily. I could hear Rose exhale in shock next to me.

"Oh, no", Liza laughed. "Despite your terrible name, it is not you we are after. It is your father. We're here to take revenge. You will write a letter to your father, telling him that you need help here and he should come to this address. Tell him to come alone."

"I won't do that", I said immediately. "Kill me, but let my friends go and leave my father alone!"

Antonio made one step forward, and grabbed Rose by her shirt.

"Alright", he said. "Then we'll have some fun with this wonderful girl and see if that will make you change your mind."

Again, Rose's face filled with horror was the last thing I saw before they closed the door in front of my nose. But this time, they had taken Rose with them.

Cadence POV:

I had checked out a few of the doors in the corridor and hadn't found anything that could help me find a way out. Luckily, I hadn't encountered a member of Pure Blood Pride either. Now, I opened the next door, quietly and slowly as always, holding my wand ready.

My heart dropped immediately when I saw looked into the room: A young woman was sitting there, holding a newspaper in her hands. She looked at me astonished.

Now or never, Cady, I thought to myself and yelled: "Petrificus Totalus!"

The woman fell to the ground, unable to move or speak. My pulse slowed down again and I was breathing heavily.

Let's hope no one finds her and she doesn't wake up until I'm out of here, I thought.

I looked around the room, but didn't see a window or anything else that could provide a way out. So, I left the room and entered the next one, as cautiously as possible. Luckily, this one was empty. And it wasn't uninteresting either: Besides a bookshelf, a comfortable-looking sofa and an old lamp, there was also a fire place.

I thought: This is it! If I can find floo powder and this fire is connected to the floo network, I'll be able to escape! Then, I can go to the Ministry and inform the aurors. Oh please, let there be floo powder somewhere...

I closed the door behind me and started searching the room for a jar where wizards and witches typically kept their floo powder. Usually, it was placed next to the fire itself, but sometimes, it was also hidden on a shelf or in a cupboard. That way, you could make sure it wouldn't be as easy for intruders to use your floo network. The members of Pure Blood Pride had apparently gone for the second version, so I searched the bookshelf for a jar. At first I thought that I wasn't going to find anything, but then I discovered a little box at the bottom of the shelf. I opened it and saw that it contained all kinds of things, from keys to dirt... I began to search it, when suddenly, I heard steps from the corridor.

Let's hope those people don't come in here before I find the floo powder...

But the steps kept getting closer and closer... By now, I had found a little jar that contained some powder. I'm just going to try this one out, I thought.

I walked back to the fireplace with the jar in one and my wand in the other hand. Suddenly, I heard the steps right in front of the door and just one second later, the door was opened. My heart sank.

Hello, loves! Things are getting interesting ;) Do you think Albus will write the letter to his father? And will Cady be caught? Write me your thoughts...

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. Don't forget to vote if you did! <3

All the love, Tanja

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