06: Warm

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[06: Warm]

Jaslynn Fine

The lab was much more up-to-date than I originally thought. It made me feel almost like I wasn't meant to be in there. Like with any sudden movement, I'd break something priceless, something that was worth more than money could buy. I could tell it was important to Jasper, that it was some place he took pride in being a part of, of owning. Leo placed me into a white hospital bed, and gave me an apologetic smile before backing away to settle between his brother and Sahaya. I watched as Sahaya gave him a dirty look and his brother glared in his direction. Maybe I was being dumb, but I somehow felt bad for Leo. Maybe his delivery wasn't the best, but his intentions were pure.

I now realize how puny and exposed I am to them all, how they could crush me like a bug between their fingers. Is this how it will always be? Or will I become just as strong as them all? I was brought out of thoughts by a hand finding its way onto my shoulder. The cold radiating throughout my arm. I looked to see Jasper's dark, hollow eyes starring back at mine, somehow looking the liveliest I've ever seen. Jasper was different than everyone else here. He didn't dwell on what he lacked, he made due with what he had- a second chance. He lived this life like his first and only, and dedicated it to helping others. If this is what he was like without a soul, he must have been one hell of a guy when he had one.

"Jaslynn," Jasper said, and gripped my shoulder slightly tighter than he did before. "You know the last thing I'd want is to cause you anymore anguish, but I'm afraid that it will come in the barrel load during this measly operation." He paused to see my reaction to his statement, giving the impression that he was preparing for the worst.

"I'll be alright," I reassured him and ran a hand through the kinks of my hair. I need a fucking straightener. "I didn't expect anything different."

Jasper sighed and shook his head before giving me a gentle smile. "That bastard should be here. I don't want to hurt you anymore than you already are." He grumbled and began preparing the things he'd need on a metal tray sitting on a rolling cart next to him.

Sahaya moved from her place next to the siblings, and wrapped an arm around him. "Don't worry Jassy," she cooed and kissed his cheek. "You'll fix her up as good as new, won't you?" If he could blush, it seemed like he would be in this moment. "Y-yeah, uhm. Yes. As good as new." He stammered.

Sahaya grinned at him and moved back to her place next to a chuckling Levi. I shifted in my spot on the bed, the cool material causing a chill to travel up my leg. It seems like I'm always cold now. Except for... "Alright Jaslynn, it's about time we got this over with don't you think?" Jasper spoke after clearing his throat.

Yes. It was. I gave him a smile and nodded not feeling up to talking. The pain was slowly but surely becoming more agonizing, and was drawing what was left of my energy. But I knew Jasper would understand. He gave me a look of sympathy before using down on the rolling chair plaster next to the bed and sliding on his goggles.

"Alright love," Jasper spoke almost to himself. "This will be long." It was then that he dug his scalpel into my leg, and I blacked out.

I woke up to the feeling of a warm finger brushing my cheek, a strangely familiar feeling that brought me a sense of comfort. Almost like the feeling you'd get from a old friend pulling you in for a hug you hadn't had in ages. Or opening a book you'd read before long ago, you know then ending, but still found comfort in false ignorance while flipping through the pages.

As I stirred in an effort to sit up and see who the finger belonged to. But they moved with a quickness that I couldn't match, and exited to the room. Leaving my skin warm and sizzling. A few moments later, Raven walked in with Kamina close behind her. "Hey," Raven said and came to a stop next to me. "You look like shit." Kamina nodded in agreement. I self consciously ran my hands through my matted hair. I really needed a straightener.

"The others are at the door now." Kamina warned and moved to the far corner of the room with her lover. As they said, the others ran in through the doorway in a line from Sahaya down to Levi and excluding Braxton. Sahaya was the first to greet me, wrapping her thin arms around me in a tight frozen embrace. But I let her continue knowing there was no way around a hug from her. "Jaslynn! My poor naive baby. Are you okay?" I'll pretend I didn't hear the first part. "Yes Sahaya, I'm okay." I replied and peeled her arms from around me.

Levi, who stood just at the entryway, gave me a sly smile and folded his arms together as he leaned on the door frame. "Are you sure you're well love? I feared for the worst when you lost consciousness. Do you need anything? I can get you something." Jasper rushed in a frenzied panic. Leo rolled his eyes and placed a hand on his shoulder, settling on his right side so that Sahaya stood at his left. "What are you going to get her? Sugar pills? She's dead. No medicine will work." He said in a humorous tone. But the reality of his words were still a but you much to bear, and I couldn't keep from cringing.

Noticing this, Leo got down on his knees next to the bed, and took my hands in his. Cold.

"Um, did any of you happen to come visit earlier today by chance?" I asked. Hoping for one of them to confess. They all one by one declined. They were all together the whole time. That's would only leave one person.


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