07: Cherries

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[07: Cherries]

Jaslynn Fine

"Careful! Oh watch out! Look over there!" Sahaya yelled and jerked causing me to stumble onto the next step. "You know, I'm starting to think you aren't the best person to be helping me with this. In five minutes we've only got down three steps." I pondered aloud. Sahaya gave an exaggerated gasp and stepped down next to me before placing her free hand on her hip. "And who else would do it? A bunch of old cranky stankies with no style and an impulsive cookie monster man child? I think out of the options provided I'm the best for really any job." She huffed and gave me a glare. I tried to imagine her sticking a scalpel in my leg and the image wasn't pretty. I considered saying something about it, but decided against it.

After we had finally made it down the stairs, I was swept off of my feet by someone I hadn't had time to analyze. "Sorry Haya, but you're hogging her. I for one would like my turn." So it was Leo. Leo looked down at me and gave me a goofy smile. Leo was a boy that you'd expect to fall in love with. And honestly I don't think I'd be able to keep it from happening. He was just... Leo.

"Jassy, you're looking like a million bucks, I don't know how you do it. It almost seems like you haven't just undergone a painful operation in which you passed out like a wuss from the inevitable pain that came along with it." Damn. How come it seems like everyone around here is so blunt?

"Where is everyone?" I asked. They always seemed to be hidden away somewhere. You never knew when they'd show up again. If they did. "I don't know." Leo quickly replied and continued speeding down the hallways. "You don't know where your own brother is?" I asked and raised an eyebrow. "Since when was I his keeper?" Leo replied. "Nice Bible reference. What are you, the Pope?" Leo laughed but didn't answer.

It seemed like we had been traveling through the house for hours and had gotten no where. Passing the same paintings, the same stair case, and Leo stepping on the same creaking floor boards. "How long are we going to walk around in place Leo? I can almost bet it's been an hour already." Leo stopped, and set me on my feet next to a painting with some creepy old women on it. I know it's cliche, but her eyes really did seem to follow you. They were crystal blue and sent frosty chills down my spine. Her long dark hair fell messy on her shoulders and reminded me of spiders dancing across the skin. But despite all that she was beautiful. And I think that's the creepiest part.

"First off, it's only been five minutes," he spoke and licked his bottom lip. Causing me to follow it's path with my eyes. Geez what is wrong with me. "Second, we're in the garden. And we have been for at least four." I looked around, and found that there was no hauntingly beautiful women anymore, no stair case, no winding hallways, no creaking floor boards. Simply fresh air and grass between my bare toes covered in dew, large beautiful pine trees, red and white roses growing untouched from the bushes where we stood until the sides of the house. Vines swirled around each other in intricate patterns that I don't think an even remotely mortal thing could duplicate. Everything was flawless. And even though I was dead, I think it's fair to say it was breathtaking.

"Leo-" I started to ask, confusion settling in. How did we get here? When did we get here? Nothing was adding up. Leo cut me off before I could ask him. "Shhh," He cooed and placed a cool finger against my lips. He took his free hand and plucked a cherry of a tree next to us and put it between his plump pink lips. "Would you like a cherry, Jassy?" He managed to ask, and lean closer to me. Our lips only inches apart. "If so, you'll have to come get it." I looked up to see his eyes shinning with mischief.

And as soon as I did it was like I was in a trance, no control over my body. And soon our lips were almost touching, inching closer and closer. Suddenly I was pulled into a warm chest and I immediately knew who it was. Braxton. "What do you think you're doing Leo?" He growled and pulled me even closer to his chest. You could feel his anger roll off of him in waves. Leo shrugged his shoulder innocently. "What are you talking about? I'm just enjoying some home grown cherries." He bit into the cherry in his mouth, the crimson juices flowing down his chin and over his lips and teeth. Making it look like blood on fresh fallen snow. Braxton pushed me behind him and grabbed Leo by his collar.

"Listen to me clearly Leo. If I see you anywhere near her again I'll rip your heart out where you stand, and burn you into ashes. I know what you're doing and you won't try it on her." Braxton hissed staring Leo down eyes filled with promise. "Fine man, let me down. It's not that serious." Leo huffed. Braxton set him down on his feet and clenched his fists together at his sides. "Fine my little volcano," Leo said. "You win." He walked past Braxton and stopped at my side. "We can have cherries another time." And continued walking until he disappeared from sight.

"What was that about?" I asked after a while of silence. Braxton abruptly turned and pulled me to his chest. "Stay away from Leo." He said. And rested his hands on my lower back.


He placed his forehead against mine and sighed. "You just don't get it do you?"

His actions left me so shocked I stood in place long after he'd let me go. Once I realized, I turned to catch him before he got too far away.

"You never answered my question!" I called out to him.

He stopped and without turning back replied, "Some questions are better left unanswered." And he walked away without another word.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2016 ⏰

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