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March 6, 2006

She doesn't just disappear like this. My mom said she's Probably with a friend, but the thing is, I just have a feeling, and if I know Hope like I think, she would not go willing. She asked if my brother could train her a couple years back and he did. My brother is Alpha Max J. Blue the strongest Alpha in North America.

"Stay out here I need to talk to him

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"Stay out here I need to talk to him." He said quietly before coming into the room. "Ok Josh, I will tell you this once."
He walked over and sat down in his chair. He pointed to the old brown chair.

"Ok what is it?" I said as I sat down.
"That extra sent was her dad." He started messing with his phone that looks older than both of us.
"Look I am going to call him, and ask him what he was doing on our property. We should be able to go there, and see if she is in there. Josh just listen in on the phone call."
( phone rings).
Hello I am looking for a Nicholas Alpha of the Northwood Pack?
This is him.
Good I am Alpha Blue of the New Moon Pack.
Oh hello Max what could I do for you?
Yes I was just wondering why you were on my property and in my pack house.
I don't know what you are talking about.
Well Nicholas my sister Cindy is missing and we have reason to come knock down doors at your Pack to see if she is there and I will get the council on my side and they always get what they want.
Well I have not seen or ever heard of a Cindy.
Well the day you came here she disappeared.
Look how about you come in two weeks and come look for your sister and like I said if she is not here I would happily help you find her.
Thank you have a nice day.

He put down the phone and looked at me. Looking for some type of response. But I couldn't. This guy wants us to wait to see if he has my mate that's bull.

"He's really going to make us wait two weeks."
"Of course not." He said standing up. Stretching his arms.

"What do you mean?" He was walking over to his bookcase.

"We are going tomorrow." He grabbed an old brown book off the shelf.

"But he said..." he turned and looked at me.

"I don't care what he said we are going tomorrow because I know that son of a bitch took her and I think I know why...."

My brother left the room and started walking down the hall. I ran after him. We soon came to a door that had all of the files on everyone in the pack.

"Why are we here?" He grabs a pile of folders.

"Maybe some work will do you some good." I hate this. He has been making me go through and make sure everything is in order. The sad thing is. I think he is more worried about Hope than I am.

"So we went to see the gender of the baby today." I looked at him. Yea nows the time to talk about babies.

"It's a girl." He looked at me, and handed me a photo. You really cant see anything.

"Do you have a name yet?" Not like I care. Never probably going to be around to see the kid much.

"No, you know how she is. It has to be perfect." I nodded my head. He really is going to be a good dad. He has his life all put together.

I on the other hand don't. I never wanted a mate. When I found out it was Hope I couldn't disappoint her. She was always hoping for a Mate. I just didn't want to disappoint her. Sure I have a girl a mile away, but that's only because Hope she doesn't know how to please me. I just got to wait for the right time to tell her. I mean I still care about her.

"Josh?" I looked up at him. Oh great he has that I'm giving a speech face.

"What?" I looked back at the note pad in front of me. Still blank.

"We have a meeting in three hours." I nodded my head hoping he would continue. "Are you sure you want to go through with this."

"Go through what?" I start to draw or the empty page.

"Finding her, I don't want to waste my time finding her if you are just going to hurt her." I looked up. Shocked why would I hurt her.

"What is that suppose to mean?"

"It means I know about your side chick, and I don't want her to get hurt, if I do this you can't go by her anymore."

"Fine I won't, just get her back her safely." He thinks I would hurt Hope on purpose. I mean yea I'm an ass, but shes so used to it.

He got up and patted my back as he left. Most likely getting everyone ready. The thing about my brother is he hates me. Plus he is going to get her if I stop seeing her or not. He thought growing up she was his mate. He loved her. The day I found out I rubbed it in his face I have the love of his love.

Then he found his, finally stopped crying about Hope not being his. He still loves her, he is there for her when I'm not. He knows how to make her happy to make her laugh.

I can but I always end up making her mad, and she goes straight to his arms. After all of this time I think she would want him more than me.

I still have three hours before the meeting. I ran down the stairs people looking at me. Probably thinking about how I am still okay without her. I made it to my red car. And texted her real quick saying I was coming.

I drove the little ways to her house I got her. Now you might want to know why I got her a house well. It's because I do whatever she asked me to keep quiet. If she ever tells anyone, everything she has, she will lose. I have a plain and she is not going to ruin it. I finally got there and walked into the big brown house. I walked in and saw her walking around in barely anything. She most likely did that only because she knew I was coming.

"Hey babe." She turned around and walked up to me. She grabbed my hands and put them on her barely there stomach.

"I have a surprise for you." I looked into her small dark brown eyes. "I'm pregnant."

Hope Is all I NeedWhere stories live. Discover now