All i can do is try

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10 years later.
The triplets are 16
Aria is 14
The twins are 11

"Mom were is my Backpack?"
"We're did you last see it?"
"It was on the hook."
"Well I didn't touch it so think harder."
"Mom."He said almost winning. I looked at Noah.
"Then you don't need it." He just looked at me and then he did it.
"Fine I will go by dad he will help me!" Then he walked out the door. I hate when they act like this. When they get mad at me they go crying to there dad. Well Marcus and the twins don't. I never told my kids why I left there dad and they don't know about the kids that there dad has had. Marcus is smart though and he found out. Marcus is different from the rest of my kids. He doesn't really care for his brothers or Aria. He only cares about Alice and Caleb. When ever I am gone I always come back to Marcus punching one of his brothers because they were being mean to Alice or even looking at her wrong. I Heard the door open and Alice came running in. I was right about her. She is a complete tomboy. She brakes my heart though. She told me a month ago that she doesn't believe in mates that it's just a fairytale. And this is because her mom and dad aren't together and nether are her friends parents. She smiled and looked at me. Hugging me tight.
"Mama are you ok?"
"Um yeah baby why?" She let go and put her small hand on my cheek.
"You were crying."
"No I am fine." She stopped smiling and looked at the door behind her.
"It was Noah wasn't it?"
"No baby."
I heard what he said. She walked to the door and took her muddy shoes off. "He's planning on staying with our sperm doner For a while."
"Alice can't you just say your dads." She looked pissed off.
"I never met him to call him that." She yelled
She is right once we split the 3 of them never talked to there dad.
"Ok how about this your birthday is coming up."
"Yeah so."
"What do you want to do?" For some reason she doesn't like birthdays.
"What do you mean nothing?"
"I don't want to do anything."
"Why not?" I saw her trying to hide her face behind her long hair. In a whisper she said.
"Because Marcus is leaving the day after I just want to spend time with him."
Then she walked off Up the stairs till I Heard a slam. Then Marcus came in. I swear he is my good child most of the time. Yes he has his moments but they don't last. Max keeps telling me he is going to be the best Alpha in his time, and that is what scares me the most.
"Yes Marcus?"
"Um you are going to watch out for Al, right."
"Yes Marcus Alice will be fine."
"I should go talk to her."
"Tell her you are not leaving forever."
"Yes mama."
Then he walked away. I think something is wrong with Alice like not physically, but I think mentally there is. I saw a cut on her wrist once and she said it was an accident. Every sense then I haven't seen a cut but know she wears long sleeves even in the summer. She is 11 almost 12 she shouldn't have any problems but her siblings. She scares me some days she has a couple friends. They are close but not close enough.
I Heard a knock on the door. As I was walking I saw Aira with a bag. I opened the door and there he was.
"Hey the kids wanted to come over."
"Next time call me and ask if it's ok first."
"Why do you care?"
"I don't know if you knew me so well you would know."
"No you don't get to call me that."
"Why not?"
"Get out of my house Josh and congratulations."
"For what."
"Getting her pregnant again." Then I turned around and saw Marcus with Alice on his back.
"Hey kiddos." Great now he wants to talk to them.
Alice just looked down and Marcus.
"Aria, Noah, Alec If you are going with your dad lets go!"
"I want the twins." He looked at me. "And Marcus to." I looked at Marcus he walked to the door and went to close it. I stopped him.
"No they don't see you as there dad."
"Marcus come on bud."
"I am going to my room." He put Alice down. But instead of her going up stairs with him she came by me.
"I am sorry mama."
"For what baby."
Then she walked off going to her room.
"Why doesn't she like me?" I looked at him.
"I don't know Josh how about you never said a word to her."
"That's not true."
"Josh you never even held her!"
"I did."
"No you didn't but I am glad that you are still in half of there lives."
"Whatever Hope."
"The kids are in the car go before I tell them there not going."
Marcus came down once the door shut.
"Is that why Alice doesn't smell like us?"
"Marcus you shouldn't listen to me talk when your dad is here."
"But is that why?"
"Yes Marcus that is why."
"How many other kids does he have?"
"He is up to 3."
"I'm sorry mama."
"Don't be Marcus once you are all older I am going  to go find my moms real parents and stuff."
"You know why she said sorry right?"
"No baby why?"
"Aria told her it's all her fault and always will be." As soon as he said those words my heart broke. I went to her door and knocked. Her music was playing softly, so I knew she could hear me.
"Alice open the door baby girl." She slowly opened it but then climbed to her hideout. "Alice you are not the reason for me and your dad." She didn't say a word. "Well if you ever want to talk you know I'm here." I walked back downstairs. I just wish they all stayed close.

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