when I was 10

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June 3, 1995

"Hi mommy." I walked over to my mom.

"Hi sweetie." My mom was dancing in our home studio. She was beautiful with her long blonde hair and bright blue eyes, she was 5,3". I went and sat in the corner and watched her put the music on. Than she started dancing.

"Mommy?" She stopped and looked at me. She was the nicest person you might ever meet.

"Yes Hope?" She came over to me and got to my level.

"Can you teach me how to be Cinderella?" My moms face lit up.

"Sure, come here." I ran to her. "Ok show me your Plié. She went behind me. "Point your feet silly." That's how my days went, after I got home, or when my mom did. She taught me how to play Cinderella. I remember that was the best out of everything I did with her. After a week she told me we were going to see one of her old friends she hasn't seen sense I was born.

June 10, 1995
We pulled up to a small light brown house. A man came out of the front door. He was tall maybe, 6'5" he had brown hair and green eyes. "Hope stay in the car ok." I nodded my head, and watched her get out to talk to him. A huge smile was on my moms face when he pulled her in for a huge. They started to talk, when he looked my way. My mom came over and let me out. He came over and sat on the curb so he could see my eyes.
"Hi Hope."

"Hi." He opened his arms to let me hug him. I walked into his arms. It felt like home. He had a smile on his face. After awhile he let me go.
"Hope this is my old friend Will." And for a week I had so much fun. He taught me how to ride a bike and swim. My dad would never let me. He took me to the beach and together we surfed. That was my favorite day. And of course my mom took tons of pictures to remember this week. But as soon as it came we had to leave.

June 17, 1995
Today is the day she let me go to rehearsal with here I was really scared because I haven't been there scents I was 5, because my dad didn't want me like my mom.

"Hope is that my little girl." I nodded my head at Jake.

"Hi." He came and hugged me.

"You my dear are not little anymore." My mom smiled at me.

"Kids do grow." Said my mom. He nodded his.

"Yes I know but its been so long." Than there was a pause. "So your mom tells me you learned how to play Cinderella." I got excited.
"Yes." He walked over to the wall mirror.
"That's vary impressive." He nodded me over.

"Thank you." We were in front of a lot of dancers.

"May I see you do it, your mom may dance with you?" I nodded. My mom got into position so I followed. "So then we danced." I looked down at my feet and saw they were not pointed. I quickly fixed my feet. As soon as the music started, I couldn't help but smile. I danced like my mom taught me. As soon as I Went to spin. I saw my mom not dancing with me but watching. Once I finished everyone clapped for me.

"She's good right?" Said my mom. All the other dancers were a little shocked. This dance was not easy.

"Hmmm. Well if she works on pointing a little more... I could see her taking after you." And I smiled I am pretty sure my mom was proud. Than I sat down by him while the other dancers started practice.

"So Hope." I looked up at him.

"Yes?" He looked at my mom then back to me.

"How would you like to go to school here." I smiled but it soon turned into a frown.

"I would love to, but." He grabbed my shoulder nicely.

"But what?" I looked down at my lap.

"My daddy would say no." He lifted my chin up so I could see him.

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