Painting and names

128 3 2

March 26, 2006

"Josh this is serious we need boy names so we can do there rooms and so far we only have one." He shut the door, and looked at me. He put his hand to his face. He dropped he's blue duffle bag on the floor.

"Well sense I have been helping run a pack I thought you would have done that." I got up and started to walk to the first room. He went to follow me. "Great now what?" He yelled as I walked up the stairs. I turned to look at him.

"I would have picked names and painted the rooms got everything done, but I thought you wanted to help. But I'm sorry go do you pack stuff." I got to the room for Marcus. After a while I got up. I walked back down stairs and grabbed the stuff. Josh came back in.

"Hope I'm sorry come on let me help you. Which one first?" I gave him the paint and started to walk upstairs. "So who's room is first?" I looked at him and I kept walking.

"Marcus John Blue." I opened the room. I grabbed one of the blue buckets of paint and headed to the right side of the room. I started to paint till I heard my name.

" Hey Hope."

"Yes?" I finished my first wall, with the first coat.

"Do you just want me to put everything together?" I looked at the wall he did, and saw empty spots. I nodded my head.

"Um yea I guess you can get the crib built downstairs and we can move it ladder after the second coat dries." He nodded his head and walked downstairs. After I got the rest of the walls done with the first coat. I put the brushes in a pan so I could wash them. I soon heard Josh yelling for me again.

"Hey Hope what crib is for him?" I looked at the clock. What was he doing for two and a half hours.

"The white one." I was starting to walk to the next room when he yelled again.

"What?" I give up with this man.

"I'm coming." I got down there and pointed to the only white one there.

"Oh that one yeah I knew that." He turned around and started to work on it.

One hour later

Josh asked more questions and I started to work on my second room. Like what dresser, and so on. He yelled for me to walk into Marcus's room. I walked in and he was looking around.

"Ok there built where do you want them?"

"The crib on that wall the dresser here. But you can't bring them up here till after the second coat. And this coat isn't dry yet to make." He nodded his head.

"Ok. Then I am going to go see if Will needs anything. Call when you are ready." With out even saying good bye he was gone. As soon as the paint was dry I put on the second coat. As I waited for it to dry, I went downstairs and grabbed the rest of the pain for each of the babies room.

I pulled out my phone and called max.

"Hey Hope what's up."

"Is my mate with you?"

"No why?"

"No reason. I'll talk to you later."

"Wait. Hope what are you doing?"

"I'm setting up the baby rooms."

"That's why you want Josh. For help, because I can help."

"Max will you please come help me. Your amazing mate with an eye for decorating and my favorite niece my come to."

"I don't know if they can, but I need a brake. I'll be over in 5."

I walked over to the next room. And grabbed the paint brushes. I started on the wall closest to the door. With the next five minutes Max walked in. I heard him come up to the steps. I stepped out of the door frame and looked at him. He was wearing gray sweatpants and a black shirt.

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