Young Love (NovaHD) Chapter 5.5: The Sweatshirt of His Dream

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  • Dedicated to Jakeybabs

Alright Part 2! Major NovaHD action in the next two chapters, if this isn't enough! By the way, dedicated to Jake (jakeybabs) because his voice literally inspired me to write the end of this chapter why can't I sing like him ~Abby


Aleks felt the world slow around him, falling through the air. He spun around, watching as people tried to grab him from over the edge of the railing. He heard someone yell. He felt himself become lightheaded; he was deathly afraid of falling. He closed his eyes, waiting for his body to collide with the cement below him. James wouldn't catch him. He didn't care about him, he would laugh as his brains would spill against the ground of the mall. 

Aleks impacted with something unexpected. Large, muscled arms caught him, holding him close.

"Don't worry, I got you," James whispered to Aleks, carrying him to the food court. Aleks blushed, wrapping his arms around James' neck loosely. People stared as James lowered Aleks into one of the booths, and sat across from him. Silence, yet again, persued them.

"Uh... thanks for catching me, James." Aleks said flustered. James gave him a smirk.

"No problem, white bread. You want to head to Spencer's next?" 

Aleks furrowed his brow. "I've never heard of it. Sure." James chuckled. "Let's eat something first." He picked up a menu, handing it to Aleks.


After they had finished their food and James tried unsuccessfully to pick up some college girls, Aleks stood in front of a large, dark store, filled with booming music, strange-looking designs, and cursing teenagers. He rubbed his arms and shuddered. "It's really cold in here, James."

James just chuckled, pulling Aleks farther into the store, near the back. "That's how it's supposed to be, white bread. Suck it up, and come look at the good stuff."

There were no girls in this section of the store; it was darkened, and there was only one employee, restocking a shelf of what looked like... dolls? "James, what is this store?" Aleks questioned, looking around at all the... girls.

Many of them had little to no clothing. Many were drawings, but there were also boxes of blow-up figures, with opened mouths. Most had blonde hair and blue hair, stereotypical. There was something unsettling about all of these naked woman. Aleks didn't like it one bit.

"James, I don't like this..." Aleks tugged at James' sleeve, but he wouldn't listen. He was too busy looking a set of rubber...

Aleks walked out of the store. He didn't like the thought of James looking at that stuff... especially flavored condoms. It made his stomach turn. Aleks took refuge on a nearby bench, watching the families begin to swarm the exits. It was almost four-thirty; Aleks would have to get home soon.


Aleks walked with James out to his car, not speaking. Snow was beginning to fall, making the parking lot slippery. Seamus and Eddie wanted to stay for an event later that night, so James offered to drive Aleks home. They hadn't really spoken after it was decided. James sighed, pulling out his keys.

"I should have told you when I had the chance." 

Aleks didn't say a word, just clung closer to himself. It was fucking freezing out.

"I don't just like girls... I like guys, too. And you probably think it's fucking gross. That I'm just some fucking manwhore who'll fuck anyone that's eyecandy. I'm sorry, Aleks..."

They stood at the back of James' truck, which was dusted with a coating of white powder. James looked down at Aleks, waiting for him to respond.

Aleks shuddered in the cold. "I-I'm f-f-ine with it, Ja-ames, I-I'll accept you n-o matter w-wh-at..." James smirked, and began to tug his sweatshirt above his head. His ivy-green shirt rose along with the other piece of fabric, showing of a small four-pack. Aleks blushed furiously. James pulled the maroon sweater over the smaller teen.

"You sound really cold. Keep this for the ride, because I don't have a heater." James smiled at Aleks, who returned the favor. Aleks noticed they had gotten generously closer together in the few minutes. Aleks blushed, looking down at James' skater-shoes.

"So, uh..." James said awkwardly, scratching at his jawline, which needed a quick shave. Aleks, feeling confident, took a second step closer.

"It really is cold out here," He whispered, his breath twisting up into the sky above them. James smiled, pulling out his phone. "What are you doing?" Aleks asked, but James shushed him.

"Hi, Mr. Marchant. This is James, Aleks' partner for the school project. I just wanted to let you know that the project is taking longer than expected, and Aleks will have to stay the night to get it done. Thanks." James hung up his phone, smirking down at the Russian.

Aleks grinned. "You're a freaking genius." The sweatshirt tightened around him as a large gust of December wind overtook them. James shielded Aleks, and they were now pressed tightly against the side of James' truck. James laughed awkwardly, but noticed Aleks' wine-red face. He scanned the boy's face, examining every pale, smooth inch. His skin was almost pure white, like the snow that danced around them. His mahagony eyes pierced against his fair features, radiating embarrasment, and slight... anxiety. He wanted something.

James moved his gaze, focusing on his neck. It was smaller, but untouched; James could tell lips had never touched this skin, and Aleks was very new to all of this "romance". But his neck was soft, forgiving, unlike those of his last girlfriend, Lindsay... Lord, was she a slut. A single vein ran down the right side of Aleks' neck, and James wanted to kiss it, rub it, lick it... there was so much he could do.

Finally, his eyes rested on his lips. They were chapped, due to the cold of the night. However, they were a bright pink, and they were amazing; they were shaped perfectly to fit around James' own, not too plump as though to overtake him, but not as thin so he had a fighting chance at dominace. Which, on James' watch, he would never get.

James bit his bottom lip, glancing up at Aleks' loving eyes. 'Here's to Drake, 'cause I only live once...' James thought to himself. He placed his hands on Aleks' hips gently, holding him against the truck cautiously. Aleks eyed him, waiting. James held in a sigh. 

He bent his head down, catching Aleks' lips in a soft, yet meaningful kiss.

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