Young Love (NovaHD) Chapter 9: Spending the Night

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This was written at three in the morning holla holla (ps i dont know how much longer ill be on this 'writing kick' so ill keep updating as frequently as possible) ~Abbs


Aleks stood shivering at the front of James' truck as he unloaded some bags from the back seats. The boys stood in James' driveway, in front of his small, comely home. The homes that surrounded his were more run-down than the others in Denver, and metal gates protected most of the yards of his neighbors. Aleks flinched when a large guard dog began barking at them from across the street. James ushered him inside quickly.

"You don't want to be here out here when Josiah's got his dogs out," James muttered, darting is eyes quickly back to the houses across the street, then shutting the door behind them. "I guess you get to meet my mom tonight."  

Different bags and shoes without a pair scattered the floor near the door. To Aleks' left he saw a small living room with a tattered cloth couch and a flat screen television. He could just make out a small figure that had taken refuge in the corner of the loveseat. A set of stairs towered in front of the pair, each step holding a different kind of clutter, whether it was a shirt or a pair of skates. Down the hall there was a bright yellow light, and the sound of a radio playing soft rock music. The sound of plates being clinked against the porcelain of the sink echoed of the walls of the hallway. James held Aleks' hand softly, pulling him towards the noise.

The entered the kitchen, the strong smell of spices and dough hitting them straight in the face. A tall, curvy woman was working at the stove, flipping what looked like chicken in a skillet. She was humming along to the music flowing from the radio, her black locks bouncing around on her head. James smiled at her bubbly figure, approaching her position at the stove. "Hey Ma, I want you to meet someone." She turned to her son with a big smile.

"Oh James, you scared me! I didn't expect to get home this early." She smiled, and he embraced her. "Maybe I missed you, since you're always at work."

Aleks gave a sad smile to the pair. His mother had passed away two years ago, and it still pained him to see a motherly figure with her son. But, he held back the pain, walking forward to greet Mrs. Wilson.

"Ma, I want you to meet Aleks. Aleks, my mom." Aleks smiled at her, holding out his hand. "Pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Wilson." But he was caught off-guard when James' mother caught him in a small hug.

"Oh, what a gentleman! James sure was right about you, you're all he talks about these days," Aleks felt his neck burn, and looked over at James, who was busy stirring something in a pot. "Come now Aleks, right? Why don't you sit down with us and enjoy some dinner?" Aleks smiled, and removed his coat.


A steaming plate of buttered vegetables and fried chicken slid in front of Aleks as his stomach rumbled. "Thank you Mrs. Wilson." She just gave him a smile, sitting across from the two boys at the table. Aleks picked up his fork, eating a carrot while he listened to James talk to his mother.

"So Ma, when are you leaving on business again?" James asked, swallowing a piece of chicken. His mother's smile faltered a bit, but she responded.

"They said I'll need to head out on Friday, but they haven't given me a return date yet. I don't know if I'll be home for Christmas or New Year's yet," James sunk a little in his seat, giving his mother a nod. Mrs. Wilson quickly changed the subject, turning to look at Aleks. "So, Aleks, James tells me you and your dad came here from Russia, huh? You're English is astounding, for an immigrant." Aleks' face burned a shade of cherry, and James banged his knee on the table.

"MA!" He whined, giving her a look. "You don't say that to people's faces!" A look of realization washed over her features, and she apologized instantly. Aleks just shook it off.

"It's fine, Mrs. Wilson, I've been called worse." As Aleks took a bite of chicken from his plate, he felt James' hand wrap around his free one, clasping tightly as they ate. Aleks blushed, and tried to ignore the fact that James had intertwined their legs. The trio ate in silence the rest of the dinner, Aleks too focused on not saying anything to James while the Wilsons lived amongst their own thoughts. Once the plates were cleared, Mrs. Wilson yawned, looking at the tiny digital clock on the counter. 

"It's almost eight at night. I think I'm going to go to bed now, have to be up early... Aleks, do you want to spend the night here? James told me your father was on business in Boulder, so I thought I'd offer." Aleks thought about the offer for a moment; spending the night with James, in his room? A little intimidating... But then again, it's just one night with his mom there as well, and he wouldn't feel too safe sleeping alone at home. "Sure, couldn't hurt to be here one night." Aleks replied, causing a smile to tug at James' lips.

"I'll show you my room."


James led Aleks up to a small, darkened room. The bed and floor were covered with clothes and hockey gear, and the two windows in the room were covered by shades. A stereo was placed precariously atop the dresser, while a full-length mirror on the opposite wall held several lustfully notes from past partners in lipstick and Sharpie. And, as expected, several hockey posters mounted and covered the walls around the room. James flicked a light on, and cleared off his bed.

"You'll have to share a bed with me, if that's okay." James announced, and Aleks noticed his face was a slight pink color. Aleks slipped his shirt over his head, folding it neatly on the nightstand next to the bed. 

"That's fine with me," Aleks answered, and James stared just a few seconds too long at Aleks' chest. "You have anything I can wear?" He asked, slipping his pants off of his lanky frame. James mumbled incoherent compliments under his breath as he tossed Aleks an old hockey t-shirt of his, which was three sizes too big. When Aleks slid it over his head, it fell down to his knees. He shrugged. "Hey, it works."

Aleks crawled into the queen-sized bed, pulling the maroon comforter up to his shoulders. James watch the boy for a moment, then slipped his jeans off, sliding in after Aleks. He stayed at least a foot away from him, afraid of making him uncomfortable. "Goodnight, Aleks." James whispered, shutting the lamp off. "Night..." Aleks mumbled. Aleks rolled over to look at James' back, and he could tell he wasn't making an effort to sleep. He wasn't tired in all honesty, but he needed to get some rest...

"Hey, Aleks," James mumbled, rolling over to face his friend. They were just inches apart now, but neither boy made the effort to move. "I'm sorry. Y'know, for everything." Aleks gave him a smile, shifting closer. 

"I accept your apology, Jaime." They were silent for a moment, getting lost in each other's eyes, until Aleks broke the silence. "Hey James, uh, would you mind if we, uh…" Aleks stuttered, stumbling over his words. James raised his eyebrow in confusion.

"If we what, Aleks?"

"You know..."




"I guess if you really want to, but be quiet, these walls are thin."


James held on to Aleks' arms, shifting so he was on top of him. He looked down at his mahogany eyes, then down to his chapped lips. James caught him in a deep kiss, their lips moving in a swift dance. James shoved his tongue in Aleks' mouth, causing him to let out a breathy moan. "Dude, shut the fuck up, my mom might hear you, and she hasn't seen me with a guy before." Aleks looked up at James with needy eyes.

"Okay, I'm sorry Jaime, please, just... keep going..." Aleks whined.

Let's just say neither boy in that house got any sleep that night.

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