Young Love (NovaHD) Chapter 7.5: Reasons

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Since some people were kinda confused as to why Aleks accepted James so quickly. This will be the last chapter of this story for awhile; just went through a VERY bad series of events. But you probably dont care, youre just here for the explanation. ~Abby


Aleks turned the volume of the TV down as he heard his dad open the front door. He had finished all of his homework, but was still catious. His dad didn't even acknowledge him, just walked straight into his office. Aleks slumped further into the torn leather couch as commercials flashed across the screen. He winced as he felt one of his rib bones crackle. It had been a few hours since his discussion with James, and their decision. It made Aleks shiver that he had agreed; James had hurt him so badly, but...


James' truck screeched down the road to Aleks' new home. James was humming along to the radio, only sneaking small glances to Aleks. Aleks looked out the video, watching the slush from the first snow splatter as the car splashed through it. Aleks was reliving those minutes after school; how he submitted to James' requests, and even tried to please him. It wasn't right; Aleks should have listened to Mr. Greyson, and stayed away from James. But at the same time, when he wasn't... well, assaulting him, they were great friends, and James treated him with respect. What had happened to that?

"Aleks." James mumbled, looking at the boy as they stopped at a red light. "I know I shouldn't have done that to you. Either times. Saturday... I was desperate. For touch, anything. I haven't had a partner for three months, and I shouldn't of taken advantage of you... I guess you could say I liked you when we first met. Your accent, your hair, your chestnut eyes, your pale white skin... I don't know, it just felt right. But I know now that you can't take advantage of people who don't understand. And I'm so, so sorry. And I understand if you never want to see me again, that's fine. I just want you to know I really, really like you."

Aleks turned to look at James, and he saw that tears were threatening his eyes. This would have made Aleks fall for James all over again; but he needed to hear more.

"James..." Aleks sighed, turning to face the man whom was beginning to grow a slight stubble over his jaw. "You say you know how much you hurt me. And I believe you. But the thing is, you treat me so well as a friend, with a lot of respect, but you don't treat me that way when it comes to love. Just-" Aleks' speech was halted as James slammed on the brakes, trying to avoid hitting the car that had pulled out unexpectedly in front of them. Aleks felt the back-end of the truck swerve, the force pulling the two teenagers off the road. James tried to turn, but it was too late. Aleks felt himself rise out of his seat, then slam quickly down again as the truck rolled itself, and they landed in a ditch. Aleks felt something hard hit the side of his head, and his vision blurred.

Dents surrounded Aleks as his mind cleared. He heard a few people arguing, and the sound of an electronic-ized voice. Aleks tried to unbuckle himself, but a sharp pain ran through his chest. He winced, only to see a figure prying open the driver's side door with his bare hands. It was James.

"Sasha, can you move?" James asked, his voice raised. Aleks nodded, extending his arm to the man. James held it cautiously. 

"Okay, I need you to pull me in there so I can get you out, okay?" The Russian just nodded, watching his savior work quickly. James squeezed himself past the airbag and steering wheel, and quickly clicked Aleks' belt off. "Okay, crawl to me." Aleks slowly made his way to James' lap. "Okay, you're fine." James sighed almost in relief. He saw Aleks' bag squished between two contorted pieces of metal. "I'll get that for you in a second." James backed his way out of the truck, Aleks held snuggly against his chest. He sat his love down on the icy pavement. "Are you hurt, Aleks?" Aleks pointed to his chest. James grabbed the backpacks from the passenger side, and set them down. He looked at his dented truck. "Eh, I can still drive you home." He turned to Aleks, and gave him a concerned look. "Okay, let me see."


"HEY, ALEKS! Anybody in there?!" Steven yelled, snapping Aleks' out of his trance. He looked around, and saw that the halls were nearly empty. Eddie and Dan were standing with Steven, with a questioning look in their eyes. So... all those events were just in his thoughts? "What?" Aleks said dumbly.

"We wanted to know if you wanted to come over to my house to work on some homework." Dan asked politely, adjusting his messenger bag. Then, Aleks realized; he still needed to go see James about the note.

"Uh, I'd love to. Just, can I, uh, borrow one of your phones? So I can call someone?" Eddie gave him a confused look. "Sure, bud," He responded, handing over the phone. "Everything alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Aleks responded, scrolling through his friend's contacts. He found who he was looking for, and clicked 'Call'. After a few rings, it went to voicemail. Maybe this would be easier?

"Hey James, it's Aleks. I just wanted to let you know that I can't talk today. But, if you'd like, we can meet somewhere on Sunday? My dad's gonna be out in Boulder helping out with a case, so we can hang out all day. Thanks, bye." Aleks handed the phone back to Eddie, who frowned at him. "Everything okay with you two?" Aleks just shrugged.

"I don't know yet."


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