Young Love (NovaHD) Chapter 7: Who We Are

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This was written late at night whoops. And sorry 'bout that last chapter, felt it was neccessary. Also, EVERYONE THANK NED FOR THE COVER ART! THANKS BUBBA I LOVE IT! ~Abby


The clocked ticked away slowly, signalling that there were only five minutes left of seventh period. Students began to rise from their seats, bringing their Calculus tests to Mr. Greyson. Mr. G thanked each one, but stared at one boy in particular, in the back of the room finishing up, whom looked like he was about to burst into tears.

As much as Aleks hated Calculus, he never wanted to hear that bell chime, signalling the end of the day. That would mean facing James, and possibly having to suffer through a second session of humiliation and demoralization. It worried him; what if his dad found out? Aleks didn't go to the police about what happened, or anyone for that matter. He was too ashamed.

"Aleksandr, I need your test, up here please." Mr. Greyson announced. Everyone turned to face Aleks, who was doodling a star at the bottom of the last page. When he heard his name called, he jumped in his seat, immediatley complying to his teacher's orders. Aleks walked past the rest of the students, hearing their whispers.

"Does he seem different to you today?" "Yeah, he didn't participate in Physics at all today, which was weird." "Not in History, either..." "Hey, is that Wilson's sweatshirt he's wearing?"

Aleks placed the packet down neatly on the pile. Mr. Greyson looked up.

"Thank you Aleks. Now, you may all get up, stretch your legs and what not. Talk with your friends, QUIETLY please." The students bounded out of their seats, going to meet up with their friends. Aleks squeezed past them, back to his desk. Aleks stuck his pencil in his pocket, and tucked away his books safely in his bag. Three minutes left.

Jordan looked over at Aleks, trying to figure what was wrong with his friend. Had something happened at home? Did a teacher insult him, like Mr. Greyson had on Friday? This was so strange for Aleks to be acting this way; he loved school. Some of Jordan's friends from the baseball team greeted him, pulling his thoughts away. Two minutes left.

Aleks tucked his head into his arms, trying to block out the noise around him. He just wanted to go home, watch an old movie on Netflix with flannel pants on and snacks all around him. But he couldn't. One minute left.

Mr. Greyson got up from his seat, scanning the room of students. He needed to talk to Aleks about something very important. But it would have to wait until everyone had left. The bell rung at that moment, and students bolted from the classroom, laughing at how terrible their Wednesday was.

Aleks' head rose up off of the desk at the sound of the bell. He slowly got up, grabbing his bag. Time for torture.

"Aleks, I need to speak with you for a moment." Mr. Greyson called, causing attention to be brought upon him. Aleks turned, and sulked over to his teacher.

"What?" He sighed, leaning against the desk behind him, in front of Mr. Greyson. Mr. G sighed, taking off his glasses and rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"Mr. Marchant..." He began. Aleks tensed up. This wasn't the normal Mr. Greyson, who was constantly treating him like a dog. "You're a good kid. I knew that when I first met you. Curious, engaged, and generally a happy kid. I don't want that to change," Aleks remained silent, waiting for him to get to the point. 

Mr. G let out a sigh. "Just... I know I haven't been the best person to you so far, and I apologize. But I feel like something's going on with you. I can tell, I have two degrees, in Mathematics and in Physcology. If you ever feel threatened or just need to talk, just come to me." Mr. G looked up to Aleks.

Aleks nodded. "Okay, Mr. Greyson. Thanks, I guess." As Aleks turned to leave, Mr. G put a hand on his shoulder.

"Also, I don't like the thought of you hanging around that James boy. I like Eddie and Jordan, and their group of friends, but..." Aleks heard his teacher swear under his breath. "Just, watch out for yourself, alright? I don't want to turn on the news to see you on there for anything other than school. You don't know what he's capable of." Aleks felt sweat grow on his neck. He gave Mr. G a quick nod, then darted out of the classroom.


Finding the main Chemistry lab wasn't hard. Aleks could smell the sulfur and acid all the way from Mr. Greyson's room. Pinching his nose, Aleks opened the door. This is why he took Advanced Physics, not Chemistry.

The room was darkened, and a video clip was being rewinded on the projector. James stood at the back of the classroom, washing his hands off in the sink. A set of beakers stood next to him on the drying rack. Not wanting to startle him, Aleks shimmied his was through the tables, and sat on top of the one closest to the emergency exit. Just in case.

James turned, pulling off his gloves. "Hey Sasha, glad you could make it," Aleks stiffened at the use of his nickname. What was James up to? "We need to talk about last Saturday."

James approached Aleks slowly, throwing his apron to the side. When he was in 'touching distance' of Aleks, he smirked. "I see you're wearing my sweatshirt. Very nice." Aleks blushed.

"I was cold." Was all he muttered, causing James to take a step closer, chuckling. "I bet you were."

James pulled Aleks' legs apart, slotting himself in between the other boy. Aleks whimpered, turning his head away from James. "No, please God no..." Aleks' breath hitched at the end of his plea, signalling that he was going to cry.

James placed his hands on Aleks' thighs, moving his mouth to Aleks' ear. "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you."

James turned Aleks' head to face his, looking at him deeply. Fear was dripping from his eyes, and James sighed. Holding his chin by the thumb and forefinger, James pulled Aleks into a deep kiss.

Aleks didn't move at first; this felt different from his first two kisses with James. The first felt cautious, nerve-racking, the second hurried and over-sexualized. But this kiss was full of passion, love. And, for some reason, Aleks was all over it. Wrapping his arms around James' neck, he kissed back, feeling his heart fill with adrenaline. James moaned slightly, and Aleks took this as the chance to please his friend. Aleks pushed his tongue into the other's mouth, and fought for dominance. After the siege was completed, James won, pushing Aleks down on his back, lying him flat. James didn't break the kiss, simply leaning overtop of him.

After several more minutes, the two broke from their heated make-out session, panting and holding the other close. Neither spoke for a few minutes, until James looked at the time.

"I should probably drive you home now."


Aleks was ecstatic to find that his dad's car wasn't in the driveway. He could talk to James all he wanted. James walked him to the door, holding his backpack for him. When they got to the door, James dropped the bag, and instead enveloped Aleks in a long hug. "I never got to ask you my question." James pouted, and Aleks smiled. 

"Well, ask me now then, we have time." James looked down at Aleks, almost... lustfully? Before asking;

"Sasha, will you go out with me?"

Aleks smiled, responding by pulling James' face down into yet another kiss.


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