Young Love (NovaHD) Chapter 6: Nicknames

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Do not read if rape/sexual assault triggers you

I personally feel we forget that it's not just women who deal with these kinds of situations. ~Abby


When Aleks felt James' lips collide with his own, his whole brain exploded into sparks. James was an amazing kisser; he had years of experience, of course. Aleks' eyes fluttered closed, kissing James back with true passion. Only a week in America, and he was kissing the man he never knew he loved.

James' heart began to beat faster as Aleks let his love flow. He had made the right move. He slowly moved his hands up Aleks' waist, accidentally brushing the teen's vest up. James froze when he got to Aleks' hands, waiting for the go-ahead. Aleks sighed, which James took as permission. Holding his hands, James moved one of Aleks' hands to wrap around his own neck, in which he clung tightly to. Aleks moved his other hand by himself, wrapping himself closer around James. James' hands retreated back to Aleks' hips. They kissed each other for several more minutes, feeling the breaths of the other on their top lip. 

Finally, James broke away with a sigh, leaning closer into Aleks' small frame.

"That... was amazing..." Aleks panted, rubbing James' shoulders. But James wasn't finished. He yearned for more.

James returned to Aleks' mouth, this time being more fierce. He moved faster, licking Aleks' bottom lip. Aleks didn't understand what James wanted, but as he opened his mouth to ask, James plunged his tongue inside the other's mouth. The action startled Aleks, but he let James work. He was the expert, after all. As James got rougher and more aggresive, Aleks let out a small moan of pleasure. This pressed James to grind closer to Aleks. He wanted to hear more.

He unbuttoned the first two buttons of Aleks' undershirt, revealing his prominent collarbones. He brushed his lips against them, feeling Aleks shiver below him. Pressing his lips against them, James slipped his tongue across the smooth skin, causing Aleks to gasp.

"J-Jame...Jaime..." Aleks covered his mouth in shock, but James heard the pet name.

"Jaime, huh?" James chuckled, moving his lips to the vein he had so eagerly wished to touch earlier. "Call me it again."

"Jaime," Aleks whispered into James' ear. Although brand new emotions of love were spinning through his bloodstream, he didn't like where this was going. "James, what are you doi- AH!" Aleks squeaked at the end as an unfamiliar hand brushed against his lower region. No, no, no... He didn't like that.

At this point in time there were no means of escape for Aleks; he was pressed tightly against James' black truck, and James was wrapped tightly around him. He let out an involuntary moan when James grasped his member through his pants.

"James, please stop, I don't like that..." Aleks gasped, trying to get away from James. But held him against the vehicle, pulling the Russian's ear with his teeth. 

"Your moans suggest otherwise... Sasha..." James pulled out his nickname for Aleks, pushing the younger boy down on his knees.

"Get to work, white bread. I've got a problem only you can fix..." Aleks could see that James' groin was very large, and trying to push through his jeans.

"Take them off." James spat at Aleks, holding him down by the shoulders. Aleks felt tears roll down his cheeks as he unbuttoned James' jeans.

"James, please... I don't-" Aleks felt the back of his hair become tight, and he realized James was gripping his hair. 

"Stop fucking crying, and do it." Aleks let out a small sob, and began to pull down James' boxers.


"You sure you're okay, Aleks?" Eddie asked, looking over at his friend. Aleks looked like he had seen dead children.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He mumbled, playing with the wrapper on the water bottle Jordan gave him. He refused to eat anything. Jordan looked at him pleadingly.

"Aleks, if something's bothering you, you need to tell us." Jordan added. Aleks just shook his head.

"Nothing's wrong."

At that moment, Seamus made his way over to the table, holding a paper note.

"Aleks, James wanted me to give this to you." Aleks winced at the name. Eddie looked over, concerned, but Aleks just brushed him off. 

"Thanks." The bell rang, but Aleks hung back to read the note.


Meet me at Emerson's Chem lab today after 7th. 

We need to talk.

Don't be late.



Aleks felt tears sting at his eyes as he shoved the note into his pocket.

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