chapter 1

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"Muffy" "Mhm" Tyler answered sounding irritated that I called him that again for probably the millionth time since we were eight. "I can't do it...I'm not guuna do it." I lamented feeling really sick. "Aren't you guuna offer me some words of encouragement?" I half snapped half pleaded, after realizing that he had ignored my previous lamentation. In a spilt second he tore his attention completely away from the switches he was operating and gave me his full attention. Grabbing my shoulders and giving me a half smile he lunched off into a pep talk. "Seriously Skye, your guuna do just fine, I do not know why your nervous you should be used to this by now, you guys have practiced over and over again, your an amazing performer, this is your God given talent. Your guuna do great, you always do great." He finally concluded with a grin. "Yeah your right, just my pre-performance nerves getting to me." I said with a sarcastic chuckle. "Right..your up next so you better get your shit together." Tyler advised.

My stomach churned. My heart beat started to race a hindered times its normal rate. I swear to God I'll be dead by the time I'm twenty five if my heart keeps beating at the rate. Ugh! I hate singing in front of an audience. Why why why did i even agree to do it?!? I mean I was just supposed to be singing backup with Helen and True, I was fine with that, but stupid Nadia had to be so clumsy and slip on ice in her driveway this morning. I mean who slips on ice? Well maybe everyone could, but that's why your meant to spray salt in your driveway in winter so you don't slip and crack your neck! Who cares if Naida's neck is broken, they couldn't just put the bitch in one of those white cast thingies that went around your neck and send her to school to perform her stupid song? Besides why did I have to be the one to taker her place!?! Helen and true are just as good as I am. I'm not even that good! Maybe for backup, great, but for solo I don't think so!

"Muffy what if I forget the words to the song?!?" "Calm down, you won't you sing this song every single day at home." he said rolling his eyes, not looking at me. "OK. What if I forget how to sing, hit the wrong note,trip and fall, faint. Muffy I'm so nervous." "Ughh will you stop...first you can't possibly forget how to sing your black all black people sing well. Second your not in it alone Helen and True are backing you up if you make a mistake which I doubt you will, and there is a slim chance you might trip and fall considering you can't walk in heels and your wearing them and last your probably not going to faint, if you did'nt faint last week when you slipped on the ice in the driveway I doubt you'll faint now." Ok, so I slipped on ice last week, in my defense I was trying to salt in the driveway.

"Are you ready Skye we are up in two minutes." Helen called out at me while helping True zip up her dress. "Uhm ready." I cried back "If you really don't want to do this you could have refused you know." Justin pointed out probably reading my face and realizing how nervous I was. I stared at him in disbelieve. He was the one begging and blackmailing me to do it!!! I did'nt even have a respond for him so I just smacked him hard on the back, causing him to to fall on top of the switches. A smirk formed on my lips as I heard the music stop on stage. A few seconds later Collen burst backstage giving Justin a deadly look. "What the hell dude?!?" Collen growled at Justin, looking like he wanted to murder Justin for screwing up his act. "Dude sorry, but it wasn't my fault Skye did it" Tyler exclaimed gesturing his hands dramatically towards me. Collen's gaze immediately landed on me. He looked ready to kill, but his face relaxed when my eyes and his meet. Phew! Thank Jehovah. "I'm so sorry Collen." I pleaded pulling my puppy dog face. My puppy dog face was literally the most adorable by the way, no one has never not fallen for it, even Justin that was my brother..well not biological brother but close enough, I grew up with him so I consider him my brother. Collen's mean and read to kill expression was now gone, and had been replaced with a small smile. "Oh that's OK Skye it's not your fault, Tyler here should have total control over it." he stated glaring at Tyler who had now managed to fix things on stage. I told you my puppy dog face works magic! That face gets me anything i want from people. It has been my saving grace if you ask me...I mean because of that face, I got a brand new Toyota Camry from Daddy just before I turned sixteen. This face has gotten me out of three driving tickets One for parking in a no parking zone, another one for running a red light on purpose, and just one last week for parking in the handicapped spot in McDonald's. Yeah I knew it was wrong to park there, but in my defence it was -40 out, all the spots were taken except for the handicapped spots, I did'nt feel like parking a mile away from the entrance just because of my retarded craving for a Junior Chicken. The biggest accomplishment my puppy dog face ever pulled was getting me out of a $5,000 fine when I was sixteen for trying to cross the Canadian boarder with a learners permit. Ahh good times..good times.. My flashback got interrupted by the loud sound of my name being called on stage. All my nervousness and anxiety immediately returned without hesitation.

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