In the moment

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As i woke up my whole body felt numb. i turned my head i saw Kyle he was starring at me, when he realized i was awake he said

"Kaci? how do you feel?" "W-werid what happened" "i'll tell you later hold on i'll be back in a second"

He ran out of the room and came back with a doctor and a nurse as they looked at my eyes, my thoart and they checked my head which seemed to hurt like hell, they said;

"it's a miracle she's alive and some what healthy and her concussion is completly healed like she had no concussion at all!" i looked at them in a strange manor but my parents came in saw that i was awake my mom looked at me shocked and ran to me,

"Kaci oh honey how are you feeling?" "Okay what happend" "we will explain that all later" after this little excitment conversation my parents ran off to talk to the doctor came in and said "Good news you'll be out here in a week!" "a week? and thats good news?" "Kaci...enough with the negitive attitude" after my moms comment my dad pulled her to the side and talked to her. So Kyle came over to talk to me.

"Hows it going" "So far so bad" "so you dont remember anything that happend?" "well it's a blur i remember blood and you and Jake it's like a dream that you cant remember please tell me what happend.." "well you want details or just over all what happend?" "over all" "Jake tried to kill you he put you in a coma and you've been here for 5 days out cold" "that son of a b****" i was so made i tried to sit up but the nurse pushed me down gentlely and said "you need rest" i was so mad at this comment and i didnt even know why so i sat up again and said "Rest? i've been resting or 5 days because my fellow class mate tried to kill me 5 days of rest sounds like more then enough to me i'm not a bear in hybernation!" "calm down please" i layed down knowing that its not her fault this happend.

After she left Kyle and me started talking again, "Did he get caught?" "Jake, yea he did" "how? did the police catch him?" "well he was out cold on the floor so he wasnt that hard to catch" "did i knock him out?" "no" "who did?" "Me" "you no offense but thats funny" "how?" "well i cant really picture you hurting anyone" "normaly i wouldnt" "so what made you?" "he was dragging you to his car you got away until he caught you again and slammed you down so i ran and punched him in the face and kicked him in the ribs" "wow that was very mannly of you" "yea i guess" "can i ask you something?" "sure anything" "did i die?" "Yea how did you know?" "i saw him" "who?" "my dead boyfriend" "are you sure?" "yea...maybe i dont know it was pretty werid.." the doctor interupted our conversation and said "sorry son but she needs her rest" he left and smiled at me on the way out.

After he left i realized there was a vase full of beatiful looking colorful flowers with a card. i picked up the card and it read "Kaci, i hope you feel better, since we didnt get to have much of a date at the dance when you get better can i ask you to dinner?"

i was over welmed. i didnt know what to think. so instead of panicing and asking my self all these qeastions and confusing myself i just lived the moment.

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