The Dance.

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i got all preeped up for the dance i got done Early it's only 6:45pm i call Kyle but i hear someone phone rings out side the door i hang up open the door and hes standing out there.

"Hello Kyle" "Hello Kaci you look nice" "thats a lie, would you like to come in?" " Sure" "Okay then right this way" " Nice house" "Thanks oh i'm going to go upstairs for a second if my dad comes out and qeastions you act calm" "thanks for the tip" "welcome!"


I heard someone cough in the door way i turned to see who it was and it was Kaci's dad "Hello Sir" i said calm taking Kaci's advice to action "Hey whats your name?" "Kyle, Sir Kyle Hasten" "Nice to meet you Kyle" "You too sir" "my daughter has been through a lot so paws off okay?" " yes sir"


"okay i'm what are doing" "nothing honey just meeting your friend" "well me and my friend are gonna go" "Okay have a good time Sweethear" "i will night dad"

"Nice meeting you sir" Kyle said clamer then ever "you too Kyle" "night sir" "night"

As soon as we got out of the house and in the car "your dads nice" "really? he is so protective" "not really" "okay what did he say?" "oh nothing just to keep my paws off" "oh jesus see i told you!" "haha hes not that bad dont make it so hard on your self and just try to have a good time" "fine i'll try"

We got there and it was crowded with people Kyle greeted some of his friends and i greeted some of mine they were really excited that i came with Kyle. but i dont know what they were so happy about.

"Hey kaci" Kyle yelled over the music "i'll be right back" "okay" i said in a normal tone of voice. As me and my friends were dancing a guy came behind me and said "Looking good Kaci" it was Jake Tummer "Thanks Jake dont you have some other place to be?" "nope i'm staying with you all night" he grabbed my arm dragging me to a quite spot in the gym. "Leave me alone Jake i have a date" "oh i know its that Kyle kid" "Yes that Kyle kid and thats just another reason you need to leave me alone" "oh common i know you like me" "Jake your not stupid enough to think that true" "oh common just play along" he leaned in trying to kiss me but i moved his grip on my arm as in pain. he started dragging me in the hall way, "Jake what the hell are you doing!?" " shut up" " Leave me alone" "Shut up!" he was dragging me in the parking lot his grip loosened so i pulled out of it and ran he caught me a hit me in the face. Kyle was across the parking lot and saw. Jake kicked my leg so hard and i fell on the ground in pain he picked me up and brought me across the lot to his car i had no strength left to fight back i thought it what the end for me. Jake was drunk and i knew it he lost grip of me making me fall in the concret my head hit hard on a rock and started pouring out blood I felt really tired my last glance was Kyle running and yelling "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING JAKE?" Then Kyle came up and punched him in the face saw me on the ground and saw blood all over the concret.

"Kaci?" he whispred "can you hear me?" i groaned holding my head. he picked me up put me in his car and drove me to my house knocked on the door and asked my dad for help my dad ran to the car picked me up out of it Kyle was in the house on the phone i was guessing with 911. my mom screaming as she saw me laying on the couch in a pile of bloody cloth's she got poroxide and a towel and bandages moved my dad. Kyle was over me trying to get me to respond. his voice was the last thing i heard until i blacked out and fell asleep.


She was asleep but not breathing i knew she was dead the ambulance showed up 5 minutes later stiched her up in the house because they couldnt risk moving her. they did the shocker things on her but she wasnt responding until i said her name "kaci?" she groaned.. they took her to the hospital me and her parents are waiting in the waiting room. the doctor came out and said "i'm sorry but we dont know if she is going to ake it over night 50 out of 50".

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