You Owe Me A Dance

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Set after Bucky was saved in the First Avenger, but before he died!!

  Bucky and Steve were on watch for the night at the base. They had been on a over night watch so it was just them until it was time for everyone to wake up at the sickening hour of 4AM. Peggy had said they could sleep for an extra hour after their success and nobody questions Peggy. It made there shift that much more excruciatingly long, though. At first it was supposed to be Bucky on his own, but Steve wasn't having any of it and sweet talked his way into a full night shift. Then had to convince Bucky to let him do it.

Bucky was very against this of course, but Steve was being his stubborn self again and managed to get Bucky to agree. Now it was an hour after everyone had gone to sleep and they were alone. Of course, other people were up as well, but not many. One man from each group and Peggy. That's it. That meant less hiding for Steve and Bucky of course.

Bucky was currently sitting beside Steve, not a word said for the hour they had been on shift. There was a tension between the two, but Bucky understood why. Steve had just saved him and this was the first time they had been alone since leaving the base. Bucky knew he had to break the silence. The tension. The awkwardness. He wasn't sure how, though. In their given circumstances, he was in a box. All he could talk about was the war and Steve. He didn't want to think about what they had done to him in the base. The torture. Instead he chose the latter of the two. Talk about Steve.

He couldn't think about anything to talk about but from when he was gone. He opted for this. But what was there? Would it be too bold to just say 'What did I miss?' Or should he think back to something he said from before to refer back to? He, once again, opted for the latter. He thought through all of their conversation. Everything they had said since he got back. Not much had been said in the few days. But then he remembered one thing. He spoke before he could think of anything else.

"So when did you get so big?" Bucky asked, flipping over onto his side from the position they were in before. They had been staring up at the sky. It seemed there were so many more stars here than in Brooklyn.

Steve chuckled. "Somewhere between making friends with a dead German scientist and becoming a Show Girl." He said, not moving from his position. This raised many questioned for Bucky. He sat up and looked down at Steve. It made him feel like Steve was small again.

He'd always look down at Steve while never looking down upon him. Always looked up to him. Even if he was over a foot shorter at the time. "Please tell me you wore one of those dresses." He said teasingly. Steve laughed again. He sat up this time so they can be a bit more quiet while talking. "Jeez that was gay, Buck. Can't have people knowing." He teased back.

Bucky smirked at him. "Well look at you, Captain America. Breaking a law worthy of death. Might as well parade through the streets shouting 'Make America Gay Again!'" He retaliated. Steve just rolled his eyes. "Was never gay in the first place." Steve said laying back down. "But yeah, I was a Show Girl. Even had a song." He paused for a second, turning his head to me. "Wanna know what it was called?" He finished and Bucky nodded. "Star Spangled Man. Had a row of ladies behind me and a fake Adolf Hitler. Knocked out 230 of 'em." Steve finished, looking back at the sky. Bucky held in a bit of laughter. He'd be dead if he woke any of the guys.

Bucky laid back down, a bit too close to Steve. "I miss you being small, but I definitely don't mind this." Bucky said biting his lip. Damn, Bucky thought, clearly eyeing up Steve. Steve turned a bit red and hit Bucky's arm. "I hate you, jerk." He said, smiling softly. "I love you too, jerk." Bucky said back, and it may have been a joke, but Steve knew he meant it. He looked at Bucky a bit shocked, but he just smiled back and turned to the stars. "I'm serious. I do love you, Stevie." Bucky said, leaning forward. "Well I love you too." Steve said as he leaned the rest of the way.

Their lips met perfectly, until they jumped apart at a voice. "I won't say anything. Oh, and you're still giving me a dance, Steve." Steve nodded immediately, suddenly rigged and tense and scared but still relieved. Peggy looked Bucky up and down before turning to Steve again. "Did good, Rogers. He isn't too bad." She said, walking to the next group. Steve and Bucky looked at each other immediately. After about thirty seconds, they broke out in a quiet for of giggles.

Damn, they were stupidly in love, but who the hell cares. Soon Steve owing Peggy a dance became a little joke with Bucky and Steve which soon spread Peggy. Any time they needed light on a situation they'd bring up the fact Steve and Peggy owed each other a dance. The Howling Commandos thought Steve and Peggy Carter had a thing, but god, they were wrong because the guy who started the joke is the one who's dating Steve. Peggy and Steve did have a bit of a thing, though, before Bucky came along, he had learned. He didn't care. Bucky just cared that he had him now and till the end of the line.

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