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"Come on! I don't see why you can't just let me take it for ONE day!"

"I told you already! The Robo Kyogre is reserved specifically for heroes who need access to Citadark Isle and other underwater hideouts for the purpose of protecting this town. We cannot permit ordinary people to take it just for the fun of it."

"Larry, you KNOW me. Come on, what do you think I'm gonna do? I just want to explore for the day, and the sub's just sitting out there. Here's my money. Take it and let me rent it."

"Now Drew, you know as well as I do that the sub has only ever been used by Orre's hero many years back, and that it now represents his brave and heroic missions in defeating Cipher and saving this region. We keep it there and preserve it for our hero's return."

"He's not coming back, Larry. He's gone. He's been gone for 10 years. Cipher's disbanded and your town doesn't need saving. Your hero's not coming back to take the sub. You got stood up. Ya should've been wearing a prom dress."

"I've had enough of this, Drew! Giving me attitude will get you nowhere. You're not getting the sub. So buy something else or leave."

Annoyed, he exited the machine parts shop. Those two never really got along, but he supposed it was worth a shot. He ended up hanging out at the Krabby Club most of the day and watching Razell and Dazell perform, for lack of other things to do.

Later that evening, he saw a bus pull up and let some people off. And out came May.

She still looked as terrible as she did that night they talked.

"Hey," he said, approaching her. "Are you okay?"

She didn't say a word and wouldn't look him in the eye.

"Come on. Let's go," he said.

"Where are we going? Drew, I don't want to g-"

"Let's go."

He took her gently by the arm and went over to the rotating bridges and led her into the lighthouse. They headed for the stairs and started making their way to the top, when she stopped him.

"Drew, wait. If we're gonna talk, let's do it here. Going to the top would just remind me of... him."

"Okay. We'll talk here."

They sat down inside and were silent for a while. The sun had set and it was dark in there, other than the spinning light from above and what was left of the faint light in the sky. They were alone.

"How are you doing, since ending it?" he finally spoke.

She didn't say anything for a moment. She was sitting a few steps lower, still not facing him.

"You want the truth? I feel horrible. I feel like trash. I should've never gotten involved with him or with the band. I should've just stuck to coordinating. This whole thing was stupid."

"It wasn't stupid. Your band was good."

Silence again. Then it suddenly hit him that this might be the only opportunity he'd ever get again.

"May, that guy may have been an idiot and a jerk who doesn't know how to treat a girlfriend, but you should know that he's not the only one who's had feelings for you..." he trailed off.

She finally faced him and looked him in the eye.

And with a sigh, he fought through the stronghold of pride.

"May, I've loved you for a long time. Ever since we were kids. Ever since our days back in Hoenn. I hate thinking that, if I would've just told you sooner, you wouldn't have ran off with that guy and none of this would've happened. Maybe the whole thing's my fault. I should've told you a long time ago. But I'm telling you now. I miss seeing that crazy, clumsy side of you. You're a great person and I don't want you to ever lose sight of that."

He threw her a rose.

"...Drew." She began to tear up, staring at the rose in her hands. "...This was so, so sweet of you, and thank you for being so honest with me. It's not your fault. The truth is, I've had feelings for you all that time too, and you know that, but-"

It became hard to speak as she began to sob. Drew continued to put all of his usual pride aside and was just with her in that moment. He moved closer and put an arm around her.

"...But, I can't do this. I just can't. I'm so messed up right now, and... it's just not gonna work."

He slowly backed away and stood up, confused.

"Drew, you're an awesome friend, and you always have been. But you're right. I wish you would've told me earlier. I waited SO long, Drew. I'm glad you told me tonight and I appreciate that, but... I need someone who won't wait forever to commit. I need someone who isn't so full of pride all the time and can't even humble himself enough to tell me he loves me until years later."

"May, didn't you hear me? I know I messed up, but I'm here NOW. I know I can be prideful and snarky, but I'll work on it, okay? The reason I did and said all those things this whole time was because I liked you."

"Yes, I know that Drew. Your teasing and your personality are what I love about you. And that's why it's not gonna work. I don't want you to change. It wouldn't be you. I'm so, so sorry."

With that, she got up and exited the lighthouse, leaving Drew and her rose behind.


A/N: Dialogue at the beginning: Gilmore Girls quote. /noshame

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