Chapter 4
Hetook her to the one place he felt safe in, his mansion and his home,where she would be the one dangerous to everyone around her. When heentered the house, the only one he met him was Azil, and when the oldman saw who Malachi was holding his face expressionless, as if heknew even before Malachi entered. Does he know something he isn'ttelling me? Malachi thought, but didn't stay to ask as he knew thatSarah was indeed bleeding from the cuts and her head seemed to bewounded. He threw a quick look at Azil but the old man disappearedwithout a trace.
WhenMalachi entered his bedroom, he laid her on the cold sheets andturned to lock the door. When he turned around he was unprepared forthe view of an angel. She truly was like an angel, with skin as whiteas snow and lips faintly pink, the colour of the roses that used togrow in her gardens. She lay so still, as thought dead, and thatthought made him shudder as if a reminder of what he would have doneif sense would not have returned to him just in time. He closed hiseyes again seeking peace, but all he saw was a vision of him standingabove her, with the small knife in his hands, ready to strike. Heheard her mumble something but his mind was elsewhere and she thenshe closed her eyes, prepared for the blow of the knife. But just ashe was about to bring the knife down, the reality hit him hard in thehead and he saw the whole scene as if being the audience and not themurderer he was about to become. He looked down at her, and felt coldinside. How did he stoop down to such barbaric tactics? The scenariooverplayed itself again and again in his mind, he was the one to givethe choice of either to fight or talk, and how could he be so stupidas not to see which of the two she would choose?
Hedecided to sit in one of the old chairs opposite the four poster bed,to have a clear view of her face. She looked like an angel, peacefuland innocent. It was hard to see how only a few hours ago, that angelcreated a very deep scar on his face. She would not have stopped ifit was him that lay underneath, with the knife just above his heart.
Histhoughts were disturbed by a faint knock on the door. Malachi wishedfor quite time to think and see reason to this whole situation thatwas getting worse with every second, but he did not want Sarah toawake just yet. With hardly any strength left in him, he got up andopened the old wooden door to face Azil.
'Yourfather requests your presence, my lord' the old man did not meetMalachi's stern look, and Malachi knew that his father was told ofwhat happened tonight and who was residing in his lordship's rooms.But this was not surprising for the old man would have known theoutcome of this whole charade, even before Malachi left the housethat evening. The problem with Azil was, that even thought he knewwhat would happen in the future, he would not tell anyone else,whether it was a matter of life or death. When Malachi was a youngboy, he asked the elderly servant, why Azil chose never to tell aboutwhat he knew of the future. In reply the old man have said that ifhad chosen otherwise, others would use the truth and would possiblybe able to change the outcome. That was somehow enough for Malachi.But when Malachi landed in situations like the one in his room,sleeping on his bed, he wanted to find out some real answers, andthat meant speaking to his father.