Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Sarahopened her eyes, wishing to see some light but found nothing but thedarkness again. For a minute she thought she was in hell, but thenshe realized she was not dead, yet. When her eyes adjusted to thedarkness she realized that she was in a room, more specifically in avery large bed. 'How on ea-?' but then she remembered how sheended being unconscious and in front of whom. Sarah tried to get upbut found herself in unfamiliar clothes. It felt like a red gown, butbecause it was too dark she couldn't see for sure. She got out ofbed and bare footedly tried to touch what she thought was the wall.Her hand tracing the wall, she finally reached the door and pulled,expecting it to be closed, but it swung with easiness and let a dimlight from the corridor enter the darkness of the room. Sarahrealized that she had no shoes on and the air felt too cold for herbare shoulders. She now realized that the gown was indeed red, twoclips on either sides clasping the fabric and invisible strap aroundher waist to hold the fabric together around her waist. From thenonwards the gown spread graciously downwards. She looked at the redcarpet and the long hall and wished she would wake up from thisnightmare but realized that her best option was to find some weaponand run.

Sarahsaw a chair good enough to be broken, and after a few minutes foundherself with a wooden stake to fight any enemies, for she was surethere were plenty to be lurking around here. At the end of the hallshe turned the corner and went down the steep staircase. She finallyentered what looked like a large dining room, with an old woodentable that could possibly fit at least 30 people. More candles werescattered across the room. Holding on to the stake, Sarah decidedthat if she wanted to get out of here alive, she better move fast.She was half a way across the room when she heard somebody movebehind her.

'So,it is true what they say. You finally got defeated and are nowbegging for forgiveness? What is it little pup, oh, don't tell me,are you scared?' Sarah turned around to meet a pair of dark greeneyes. To accompany the soft voice and the beautiful eyes the woman infront of her looked exquisite in every way. Perfect 6-foot tall andslender and with strawberry blonde hair, the dress that the strangerwore was made of silk and clinged to every perfect curve of her body.Any man would drop dead if she would spare a glance at him, butbehind those very red pouty lips and an admirable face lay a deadlyvampire that probably seduced a lot of men during her life, both as ahuman and a beast.

'What'sthe matter cat got your tongue, or are you thinking of how to stakeme like you did with so many of us?' snared the blonde.

'No,I just think you are being stupid to waste your breath on me. Whatyou think you are tough enough for me? Baby, I have seen so many likeyou, and do you know where they all ended up? Fried up and forgotten,so go back from the hole that you came from and hide before I take myanger out on you, little pup.' replied Sarah in a toneless voicewith a note of steel.

Thevampire angered by such a response, swiftly moved and in a secondlater, tried to grip the enemy by her throat but only felt a hardgrip on her hair and felt her head yanked backwards with a woodenstake lifted right above her heart. But the stake never reached herheart, although the hand on her hair did not ease up the grip. A malevoice penetrated the one minute silence. 'Let go, nobody will hurtyou while you are under my protection' Malachi said. He now stoodso close behind her, he could smell the faint perfume of wild flowersand exotic fruits and it made him mad to the extreme but what madehim even more angrier, was that his captive was now threatening oneof his loyal servants who was also his ex- lover and who belonged tohis clan for a long time. H e would not let his lust for this womandestroy his family and his clan.

'Sarahlet go' Malachi tried again, this time whispering in her eartenderly' I promise, I won't hurt you'

'Andwhy should I believe, anything you say?' Sarah replied in the samemanner she used with the female vampire. 'I will leave thesepremises alive, and I will kill anyone who stands in my way'

'Ithink I made it clear, that you are no match for me when it comes tousing strength. Besides I didn't bring you here to destroy the restof us, if you must know, this is my house and the house of those youcall enemy. I want you to let go of Anita now and listen to myproposal and then decide what you want to do' Malachi finished witha smile on his lips. Yes, he will win her over with the proposal, forhe has heard of her only weakness, and that weakness would be cruelof him to use in reality but he could use it as a weapon on her,mentally.

Sarahdidn't know to whom to listen, her brain which was sending hersignals for her to run and stab every single one of these beasts thatwould throw themselves at her or listen and do what the husky voicewhispered in her ear. It might be best to listen to his propositionand plan her escape. But then again, she was so tired of running andlook, she even got invited to the blood thirsty party, one she mighteven enjoy.

'Here,the bitch isn't to my taste' Sarah threw the words in his facewhile slicing Andrea's throat. Let her bleed, she won't die, forgod's sake, what a pity. But Sarah didn't have much time to thinkover her actions, as suddenly hordes of vampires came hurling theirbodies at her. Only now did she remember that she had no weapons tofend the off. So use what they gave you. A moment later the painpenetrated Sarah's mind and she couldn't think about anything butblood.

Malachistood still as he saw her change. It was beautiful, so elegant andyet ever so deadly as he witnessed her actions. She was so strong,her fragile body moving with speed never seen before, her mouthbloody from ripping the throats of her attackers. Yes indeed, theyhave created a monster, who they will never be able to tame, not evenhim. His plan was to hold her captive by her single weakness, but hecould tell even now, that those children will survive and his clanwould die the moment she saw them in here.

Sarahdidn't need to think of her next attacker, her body seemed to be ineuphoria, moving and tearing anything that came close. The blood shecraved for so long now satisfying the thirst, but something insideher snapped and she began to slowly realize what she just done. Thehem of her gown was now torn and only reached just below her knees,blood smeared all over her body and something dripping from hermouth. When she reached to touch what it was, she found blood. Thepredator in her was subsiding away, instead, fear creeping up like ashadow. Sarah had to blink again to realize that, in fact, there wasa shadow creeping up behind her. Her hand shot out before she turnedto see the eyes of her enemy. What she found in those eyes was a lostfriend.

Azilknew he would need to act now or the world he knew would be destroyedtonight. Now that he looked into those eyes, he knew that he could bekilled if she chose to do so. But all she did was just stare. Azil soMalachi move to attack but one look told the boy to stop. 'What inGod's name are you doing here?' Sarah whispered. Hurt, pain andsorrow flew past her beautiful features, her hands suddenlyintensifying around his neck and then letting go. Azil looked away,for he knew that the next few hours will be too much for her.

'Sitdown Sarah. There is no point in fighting your future. No need to askquestions, all I can tell you is that your father knew what wouldhappen that night, but he was too proud-'

'Don'tyou dare tell me what my father was like! You old fool, we helpedyou, we took you in and all you do is run to these animals when weall suffered.' Sarah felt betrayal, but then her father neverexplained about Azil. All he said that the old man was a friend ofthe family and we should all welcome him to our home. Trust was onething her father was a full to throw at anyone he came in contactwith. Anger began to resurface but Sarah contained it. The old man,was a fool, but wait! Old man was indeed still old, nothing about himhas changed over these centuries. 'You bastard, you were one ofthem all along!'

Sarahwould have attacked him if not for her father's words ringing inher ears. Never hurt him, whatever he does or says, listen to him.But her mind kept saying what a fool her father was indeed to believethis man.

'Sitand watch your future, child, for if you don't, the world will endtonight.'

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2016 ⏰

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