Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Thehouse was now quite but behind the closed doors, it was a differentstory and the one that was not for others to see. But Malachi knewwhat happened behind the old walls, the walls have ears, he alwaysmused. Malachi walked without concern when he heard a male humanscream erupt the silence, he didn't usually walked in this part ofthe hallway, which led to his father's rooms, but preferred thequietness of the west wing. Now that Malachi came to face the largewooden door, he found himself lacking the confidence he had aroundSarah. For a moment he had to close his eyes to stop the image of herin his bed, concentrating on the task ahead. He had to convince hisfather that he would be able to handle this problem by himself andwithout any blood spilling.

Heopened the door and his eyes at the same time, to enter a dark roomwith long thick candles providing a deem light, that gave vision to alarge bed, where lay a fragile body of his father. 'Well don'tjust stand there hiding like a coward, come and face another one ofyour miserable mistakes like a true leader of our kingdom' a voicecame from the bed. It was too dark for Malachi to see his father'sexpression, but he was sure it was the same as always, cold andalways patronizing. Malachi wasn't afraid to face his father, forhe knew that whatever he achieved was never good enough for him.After all, the old man was his father, the one who taught him tosurvive, even if that meant never having kind childhood.

'Hellofather' replied Malachi tonelessly while taking a few stridestowards the bed.' I hope you are in good health?'

'Ohcut all this nice crap. I brought you boy to be a king of outkingdom, but I guess I was wrong to think that you would be able tothink beyond your pleasures. I, Arturos the one they fear and darenot speak of, will not allow my own son to bring a whore to my houseand threaten our kind! I will not let my enemy take over the world Ihave build for hundreds of years. And I will not let you disobey me,you are nothing but a bastard!' Arturos spat in fury. 'Get ridof her, kill her, no better yet, let her body be torn by others as afeast for tonight's dinner and as to her bones let the dogs eatthem, but I'm sure the dogs have better taste.'

'Ibelieve none of those things are the pathway to our destiny and itwill be a disaster to waste such beauty on the dogs as much as youlove them, Sire' Azil replied calmly. 'I wish to speak to hislordship in private if I may request so?' the old man lookedtowards Arturos.

Neverin his life has Azil ever broken his rule, but this time his decisionto speak of the future was beyond important, the survival of thewhole of their clan's population was at stake. Azil wasuncomfortable in telling what lay ahead to Arturos, but he was aslave for too long to his master and he wished not to be toldfarewell by dyeing like a traitor to his kind. He felt strangetowards the girl his master's son brought tonight. He saw her manytimes in his dreams, a fighter on the outside, but on the inside agirl, lost in time and wanting someone to love her. Azil knew howtonight would begin and how it would end. But now it was for him tostir the destiny the right way, so he future he saw in his dreamwould someday become reality.

'Getthe hell out of here!' Arturos shouted.

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