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Shetook the knife out from under the pillow, and was ready to strikewhen the enemy came too close. She never slept at night; it was toodangerous, and too early for her to leave this world forever. Shewill have revenge for the deaths of her family and her own.

Theclock struck one in the morning. At the same time Sarah jumped uphigh enough for her foot to hit her enemy in the face, and a secondlater a silver knife ripped into the body of the predator that made asilent inhuman moan and dropped against the far wall on the righthand side of the room. 'Say your finale prayer, because it'syour last' and a second later and the knife were no longer inSara's hands, but deep inside the enemy, reaching his heart.

'Theyare coming, and they won't stop. They are stronger than you, I'mnot the first and I'm not the last to try' and with that, theblack figure disappeared with a flash of fire sparks, leaving onlythe cold knife on the wooden floor. Sarah knew this already, timehas come for them to come out. It was inevitable. The mistake theyhave made 400 years ago, was a punishment for all of their kind eversince.

Theycalled them self's HaudClementia,merciless,and they have been killing for so many years nobody defined them,until they turned Sarah into one of them. Sheknew that it was impossible to hide, she felt the thirst day andnight. Butshe accepted the truth and instead of trying to be one of them shebroke all the rules and began to hunt them down instead. Until thisday she had come to minor harm, but it was a small price to pay,unlike her parents and those she held close.

Thememories kept flooding back to that night when she tried to go tosleep. The screams, the faint smell of blood and death, and when shethought she could no longer feel anything at all, the crucifying painbegan to burn inside her. She will never forget the faces of herparents, screaming her name out, begging for forgiveness, asking themto spare their daughter's life, while they would do anything theywanted. Those who broke into her home and her life took everythingshe had, including her life and her soul. But that was not enough forthem. Once she turned like one of them, they took her to theirmaster, the son of their emperor, for him to have her as a prize fortheir victory. What they didn't expect was that Sarah,. Wasstronger in past life and she would be in this life. In little spaceof time that she had, she knew straight away she would only havethree rules she would abide and they would be her own. First, shewould drink blood, but it would not be human, her second rule wouldbe to fight until death, which she thought with smugness on her facewould be very hard to proclaim. The third, to punish all those whowas responsible for the death of her loved ones. The last rule, shewill stick to no matter what, she will hunt them down, one by one andkill until all of them are dead, right down to the last one.

Sowhen she was dropped on her knees, in front of a young man, who satin a chair which made it look more like a throne, with dozen of womenswirling around him, she met his electric blue eyes with a coldstare. Holding her head up high, she knew she was throwing achallenge to the stranger in front of her by such action. But nobodyanticipated the blow Sarah threw at one of the men who hurt her somuch. Sarah didn't know what came over her, all she was thinkingwas that she needed to get out of that place, before the sweetnessand death choked her out of breath.

Herfist came in contact with a now familiar face and a following noisewhich sounded like a crack just confirmed her suspicion, she brokehis nose. A few kicks in the chest and guts, made him fall to theground in a matter of seconds, but now there were one too many comingat her. Although she had no


timeto stand and count how many there were, she knew that instant thatthirty-four vampires were about to attack her, all it took her was aquick look around her. The next thing she knew she was up in the airand moving too fast for any of her enemies to reach her, they all hitthe ground before Sarah drew her breath.

Themistake she made was to look into those electric blue eyes. They werefixed only on her, and in them swam hatred and something else,something she could not understand, but she had no time. She turnedto run, but his voice stopped her in her tracks. 'You did not giveme your name' a note of steel did not escape her ears. But althoughher mind searched for an answer, she couldn't help but notice howhis voice attracted her. She spoke clear and without emotion, 'Callme whatever you want, but make sure you understand one thing clear. Iwill have my revenge, and all of those around you will die and youwill be made to feel the pain again. And when you do, always rememberme' and with that she run as fast as she could.... 

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