Part Two- Battle of Greece

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Piper McLean

She was not a happy camper that's for sure. First off, not only did they just fight Gaea's army at Camp Jupiter, but they also were fighting them off around the base of Mount Olympus, the real one, not the one in New York. The fight was intense of course, but Piper couldn't help but feel like it was way too easy. The monster forces were laid down and the only thing that was really happening was the defeat of Giants. Several had been taken down as far as she could see but still, several remained alive and well. The Giants had been using their height to their advantage, stepping on demigods breaking every bone in their bodies before finally killing them. Piper was watching everything, she wasn't really fighting but she was working on it, it was just difficult for her to fight.

She watched Frank die in the knife three days before he met Thanatos. She knew it was going to happen, she truly did. But Piper was coward and didn't tell anyone. She wasn't better then Gaea or any of the giants. She let Frank die and soon another. She didn't tell them or even try to prevent it. Piper even knew that she wasn't going to tell them, she saw that too! How ironic that she manages to she and watch everything that is going to happen and yet she does nothing about it. Maybe it's the fact that it scares her or other worse. Maybe it's the fact that she watched Jason die in the final fight, her, Hazel, Annabeth, and Percy against Gaea.

A fully risen Gaea.

A Gaea who was at full power.

Piper fought off another monster coming from behind her; she ducked and rolled off to the side before standing up. As she stood up Piper drove her knife hard into the monster's neck. It turned into dust and floated off, carrying it into the wind. Piper stood there in the dirt and blood, staring at the battle that lay in front of her. She didn't want to fight at all. In fact she wanted to go home and live the life she had before Camp Half Blood. She wanted to say hello to her dad or Mellie even. She wanted to do some many things with herself. Yet Piper knew she wouldn't have the chance. She saw herself die in the knife alongside Jason. A quick snap of the neck was all it took to end her days and a decapitation Jason was what it took to end his days.

Yet, Piper wasn't going to tell anyone how or when they were going to die, she just wasn't going to. The Fates especially don't want her telling everyone that they were going to die. Not everyone was going to die, but most of them were, every single one was in a painful way.

Piper probably had the easiest way out; the Giant would come at her when she least was expecting it and it would take two of its huge fingers and break her neck as if it were a tooth pick. She sighed as another monster came at her; she ducked under its swooping arm and came up with a thrust into its left thigh. The monster growled and tossed Piper aside. She landed with a thud next to a rock. She stood back up and was excepting for the monster to appear next to her. It was no longer able to attack her. It was turned to dust as her boyfriend; Jason Grace took off its head.

"You alright, Piper?" Jason asked his eyes filled with worry.

Piper smiled briefly, "Peachy." She brushed herself off before joining Jason in attacking another group of oncoming monsters.

They must've gotten through dozens monsters without so much as a cut. This was supposed to be the most dangerous battle she faced in her life, but it wasn't sizing up to it.

"Something big is coming." Jason whispered to Piper.

Jason Grace

Jason was right, a few seconds after he spoke those words, every single Giant they had managed to kill rose from the ground, and every single monster walking among the demigods fell under the ground. There were a good 100 demigods left alive and able, plus twelve Olympian gods and goddess ready to fight, to save them from extinction.

Jason looked over to Piper who held fear in her eyes. He was trying to speak, to comfort her, and to even help her. He wanted to say it was going to be alright. But Jason knew it wasn't going to be and so did Piper.

"Jason..." Piper whispered, her voice barely dragging out to a whisper filled his ears.

Jason looked over at her again just as a giant loomed over the duo. He froze unaware of anything but Piper, the Giant, and himself. Jason took Piper by the hand and ran with her away from the giant. He wasn't sure who the giant was, and he could care less. His mind was set on getting away from it and rejoining with Percy, Annabeth, and whoever else was alive.

They were running kicking up dust behind them, the Giant still stormed after them taking large steps closing in on the couple. Jason maneuvered in and out the ways of dead demigods and Giants that had been killed already.

As far as Jason could see six Giants remained standing. He gripped Piper's hand tighter as the Giant closed in on them.

Jason glanced up staring straight ahead at the Giant's pale blue eyes and its yellowed teeth. It grinned at him wider then before. It reached behind its back and pulled a club out the length and width of its arm.

"You're going to die tonight Jason Grace and so is your girlfriend. I'll be sure of it." The Giant's grin faded before swinging low with the club.

Jason ducked and pulled Piper along with him. Jason took his sword out and Piper followed with her knife.

"That's Otus, the bane of Mars." Piper answered the question Jason had been asking himself for the past few minutes.

"So we need a god now don't we?" Jason asked Piper ducking again as the club barely missed them.

Piper nodded in response before charging in low around Otus' feet. Jason followed her weaving around the feet that were failing to crush them.

Jason took his sword and stabbed it into the toe of the Giant. Otus let out a howl as clutched his foot, whining as the golden blood seeped from his fingers.

Jason grinned and turned towards Piper who was standing under Otus' hand.

Jason tried to warn her but it came too late. Otus plucked Piper up by the waist, broke her neck, and let her drop.

He frozen in pure shock, the Giant who had killed Piper was dead and his remains littered the ground.

Jason could care less about why god had ended Otus' days. All he knew was that Piper was dead and she wasn't coming back.


Woah, so that took me over a month to get up, but here's the news:

Two more chapters left and then this sequel is over guys-or anyone who is still reading.

This could mean that I get this story over and done with or I procrastinate more and cry over the Clift hanger I know Rick Riordan will leave us at, at the end of the House of Hades.

Here's some other news:

- I plan on writing a sequel to Uncle Rick's house of hades, hopefully.

But until then...

• Alex •

Also sorry for the late update feel free to kill me, this won't happen again without warning. :D

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