"I Call Foster!"

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Fitz and Keefe were reclining in deck chairs on the back patio of Everglen.   They had run out of things to talk about.  

"I wanna play Base Quest!"  whined Keefe.  

"We don't have enough players."  Said Fitz glumly.  

Keefe swung his legs to the ground and sat up.  "Well then, let's go ask Biana if she wants to play."

Fitz opened one eyes to look at Keefe.  "Then we will have an odd number of players."

Keefe stood up.  "Then we'll beg her to invite Maruca to play with us.  Or maybe we could drag Foster over."  

Fitz didn't move.  Keefe sighed.  "I didn't want to have to do this," Keefe grabbed the edge of Fitz's chair.    

"C'mon, Wonderboy!"  With that, Keefe tipped the chair Fitz was sitting on and he toppled to the ground.  


Keefe ran through the sparkling back doors of the manor, laughing hysterically.   Fitz jumped up and chased after him.  "YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT, SENCEN!"

The boys ran around Everglen in search of Biana.  Finally, they came to the front gates and saw her and Sophie standing by the light absorber.  

"Well, isn't that perfect!"  Keefe exclaimed to Fitz.  They ran down the elaborate staircase to the flower-lined pathway that led to the girls.  

"--each other makeovers.  I have all the serums to change our hair color, and we can try on some of my mom's gowns."  Biana was saying.  Sophie's face fought to remain in a pleased expression.  She obviously wasn't was excited about the plan as Biana was.  Once again, Super Keefe to the rescue!

"Makeovers?"  Keefe scoffed.  The girls whirled around.  "You girls sure know how to have fun.  Maybe you can braid each other's hair and giggle about boys while you're at it.  Actually, maybe that last part is a good idea.  You could get the dirt on Foster, find out which guys make her heart go pitter-patter."

Sophie blushed, her eyes briefly glancing to Fitz.  "Um, that would be none."  

"Eh,"  Keefe waved her response away.  "That's what they all say.  But deep down girls always have one guy that they can't take their eyes off--isn't that right, Fitz?"

Fitz looked framed.  "Why are we talking about this?" he complained.  Keefe shrugged, chuckling to himself.  "Just sayin'."

"What are you guys doing here?"  Biana asked, shooting Fitz a pointed look.  

"We came to see if you guys wanted to play Base Quest,"  Keefe jumped in.  

"What's Base Quest?"  Sophie asked.  She looked grateful for the subject change. 

"Only the most awesome game ever.  I call Foster for my team,"  Keefe wrapped an arm around Sophie's shoulders.  Sophie shrugged away.  "How about we play boys verses girls?" she suggested. 

 Keefe slapped his hand to his chest in mock hurt as Fitz explained the rules.  

"One team guards it's base while the other team launches a raid.  If the questers make it to the base with out getting tagged, they win."

"That seems simple enough,"  said Sophie.  

"Light leaping isn't allowed but special abilities can be used,"  Keefe noticed the pointed look Fitz gave Sophie when he added this.  

"But that's not fair,"  Biana protested.  "Sophie and I don't have . . ."  Her voice trailed away as Fitz shot her a warning look.  

Man,  Keefe thought,  Fitz is all over the death-by-looks gun today.  

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