Credit where its due

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no infringement is intended with the movie quotes I use in this story , so credit where its due

what if he started killing hostages right away? No mercy, no quarter. Meet our demands or the pretty blonde in the bellbottoms gets it the back of the head. Bam, splat!"  is a quote from the 2001 movie ' Swordfish' spoken by John Travolta

the quotes , "who loves you and who do you love " and " it's showtime " are taken from the 1987 film " the running man" and are spoken by Richard Dawson

 do you know what nemesis means ? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified in this case by a 'orrible cunt... me. " is taken from Guy Ritchie's 2000 film Snatch as spoken by Alan Ford as the unforgettable Brick Top

all these quotes belong to their respective owners all rights reserved.

and finally the song lyrics I used are my own work and I gave myself permission to use them . the song exists in the real world ....... follow the link if you wish to hear it. and when I say follow I mean sit there and type it into your browser :)

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