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[] IT'S FINALLY HERE! A little short I know, but things will get rather intense in the next chapter. Which, will hopefully be up sometime this week or next week! I haven't got much to say here, besides the fact that I'm sorry for not posting in a month. But, I will definitely be more free in the summer to write. Things are getting good now! I can't wait to write more!! I hope you enjoy! :) []


It's been five months. Five months, since I met Kai, and my life turned upside down. I love Kai more than life itself. I wanna stay with him for forever.
I've discovered a few things since the first day of moving in with him. He has a basement full of weapons; from chainsaws, daggers, to guns. I told him it is every psychos dream basement, he laughed.

It is still tough to get over the fact that he is a demon. Well, that part isn't tough. It's the killing part. I hate violence, Kai knows that. I told him not to kill innocent people for no reason. I know he doesn't listen to me. I can't control him as much as I'd like. He goes out when he's mad, and just takes his anger out by killing things. It makes me cringe and shiver at the thought. He's fucking scary when he's mad. He's only ever been mad at me a few times, but I only really see him mad at scenarios, or other people. It's scares me.
But, he isn't bad to me. I know I've got a pretty bad temper, but I know I don't scare him. I wish though. He's super sweet most of the time, and always spoiling me. I love him so much, despite his flaws. I can tell he's trying to change himself for me, but it's so hard for myself to grasp— that I can't change him. I shouldn't.

During these five months, it is currently January. I've started med school back in the fall, it has mostly been just in class work. This man came to me a month ago asking for help. His name is Ed Hathaway, he is one of my classmates in med school. He and I were sorta friends when he reached out to me. He said he's been having problems with accepting his wife's cancer. She was diagnosed recently, and I felt so bad for her and for him. I agreed to help Ed, by talking to him a few days after classes. Kai doesn't like me talking to any man, besides him. So, I kept this a secret from him. I know I shouldn't have, but if I did tell him— I'm afraid he'd forbid me to help him, and I wanted to help. He's so strict and protective, at times it's sweet, and at other times it's too much. But— I've said nothing to him about it. I don't think he suspects anything, but I still have to be careful. I do hate lying to him, but it's for a good cause, isn't it?

Today, after classes while I was on my way to the metro. I heard someone call my name. I turn my head to look at the person. I knew this person, it was none other than Jason's brother, Scott.
"S-Scott...? What's up?"
"Don't act all casual with me." He said rudely.
"I...I.. don't understand.."
He stepped towards me, and I felt my body slam against the brick wall of the alley. I gasped, and tried to move away, and escape. But, I was trapped. I felt my head pound, there would be a bump there for sure. Scott leaned his body close to mine, and took hold of my wrists and slammed them hard into the wall. I yelped in pain.
I could smell the tobacco on his breath, and I swallowed my bile, as I felt my stomach churn with dread.
"I've got a bone to pick with you." He said so softly, that it scared me.
I said nothing, but I felt my body tremble. I loathed my weakness in this moment.
"My brother, I think you're linked to his death. It took my awhile to figure it out. But, I think you have something to do with it. Now you're gonna get a taste of your own medicine. You're gonna die."
At his words, my eyes widened. "B-But..I..I did nothing..! Plea—.."
"QUIET!!" He yelled in my face.
I closed my eyes, whimpering softly.
"Tomorrow will be your last day to live. I will make sure tomorrow... You will die. I will make damn sure of it." He growled, and threw me to the ground.
I refrained from gasping or crying out in pain.
"Have a good day, Elizabeth dear." He smirked, and walked off.

When I got home, I set my bags down. I was about to break down in tears, I was so scared. But, there was Kai— standing there, glaring at me. I already didn't like where this was going.
"Where the hell were you!" He said, his voice almost yelling.
"Don't stutter, Eliza."
"Where were you." He asked again.
"I was out.."
"There no use in lying, Eliza. I already know you're seeing that man. Rather friendly with him, don't you think?"
"It's not like that!" I exclaim.
"What the hell were you doing!" He yelled, banging his fist against the wall.
I shuddered, "Kai...please..."
"Don't 'Kai please' me!" He yelled.
"I'm sorry for lying to you.." I whimpered.
He came over to me, towering over me. I gulped softly, and looked up at him.
"Are you now?" He growled.
I nodded, and looked away. I felt my eyes water and my gaze go blurry.
"C-Can you just trust me for now? I will...explain everything to you.. I..I... I.." Then I started to cry.
"Eliza...stop with the waterworks.." He said firmly.
"I can't... I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't...!!" I exclaimed.
"Then why are you—.." He said bitterly.


I am so fucking upset with her. I can't help but be pissed, and yell at her. She lied to me. What if she cheated on me? I want her to explain. But, as I hear her yell these words. My heart pounds, and immediately the atmosphere changes.

"What.." I said.
She stepped away, and I instinctively grabbed her wrist.
She looked up at me, tears in her eyes. I know that look. She is scared, and not just scared, as if she saw a scary movie. She was actually scared.
I set aside my anger towards her, and pulled her to me.
"Tell me what happened. Now." I said firmly.
She bit her trembling lip, and I saw her begin to breathe heavily.
"Eliza, I need you to calm down," I said, softening my voice.
She nodded, and gulped again.
"Now tell me what's wrong.. You're worrying me."
She took a deep breath, and began to speak. She explained to me what happened after classes today. She explained it in great detail.
My eyes go red, and I growl loudly, as she finishes the travesty of a story.
"K-K-Kai.." She said.
I said nothing, and grabbed her hands, looking at the bruises on her wrists. I turned her arms over checking the underside of it.
"W-What are you doing."
"Making sure you're alright." I say angrily.

I check her body, and see the bruises on her shoulder blades, and wrists. I feel the small bump on the back of her head, from where it had hit the wall.
"I'm okay, Kai.."
"He could've given you a concussion. He could've killed you! DAMNIT! HE COULD'VE KILLED YOU, AND I'D NEVER OF KNOWN UNTIL IT WAS TOO LATE!" I yelled.
She shuddered, "Please don't yell.." She said.
I sigh, and hug her tightly. "I could've lost you today..." I said, trying to soften my voice for her, "you're so important to me, you're my everything. I'm gonna yell, and be upset, if I lost you."
She buried her head into my chest, and nodded, crying softly.
I pull away, setting my hands on her shoulders, "I'm gonna go out and kill him. I'm gonna kill Scott, I am not gonna lose you."
Her eyes widened, "n-no!! You can't...! NOO! Scott's in a gang, one of the most dangerous in Manhattan. I...I.."
"You think a couple of gang druggies will kill me? You're gravely mistaken. Eliza, I will always come back to you."
She shivered, and looked down, "that doesn't stop me from worrying about you. I'm scared..."
"You're safe here, remember that. No one will harm you here."
"I know... But.. But..I..I.."
I sighed, and pulled her into me again, and buried my face into her soft hair.
"Eliza.." I said softly, "I will be back by midnight."
"No.. Don't leave..!"
"I've gotta.. I promise, I'll be back by twelve. I'm not gonna leave you."
She nodded, and sobbed softly.
I let her cry into me, I always hated when she cried. After a few minutes, I pulled away, only a little bit, so I can set my hand on her cheek. I wiped her tears, and caressed my hand up her cheek, and into her hair. I leaned in, and kissed her softly.
"I love you, Eliza, and I will be back. You will be safe." I said
She nodded, and kissed my cheek, "I love you too." She said, "if you die, I'll kill myself, and join you in hell." She joked, her voice soft.
I chuckled, feeling glad that she was trying to be optimistic.
"Hell isn't a place for a good girl like you, you silly goose."
She smiled softly, and I smiled back, "I'm leaving now." I say.
This time she pulled away, and I left, and walked out.

I was going to kill the man who was gonna kill the women I would one day propose to.~

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