I've Been Tagged

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Well I just got tagged by AmberFire22 to answer the following questions.

One nickname- with saying to much one of my nicknames is Ash simple.

Eye color- I have dark brown eyes.

Hair color- my hair is midnight black.

One fact about me- well I can stand out in the winter only wearing a thin sweatshirt and still won't be cold. So in summer I get really hot.

Favorite color- my favorite color has to be a dark blue but not navy blue.

Favorite place- probably has to be the boardwalk. I love playing in the arcade and stoping for candy after.

Favorite celebrity- well I don't watch that much tv so I can't really decide but if we go off YouTubers then I would have to say Aphmau and Lachlan.

Favorite animal- wolf obviously. I have one on my account.

Favorite song- hmmm I think that goes to Work From Home

Favorite book- that prize goes to All Fall Down by Ally Carter

Well now I have to tag 20 people this will be fun
I know that is not twenty but all these people have great stories.

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