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"Truly, our universe is amazing. Just think about it. Within it are the most vast expanses, all contained masterfully with still room to grow. Beautiful spiraling galaxies, boiling suns, planets of every color imaginable, and even the simple asteroid; all are crafted with such perfection and minute details. They intermingle with such harmony that even us tiny living creatures within it go through our short lives while hardly ever thinking about it, hardly ever pondering the possibilities.

"There are a good few of us who do wonder though, such as meteorologists, astronauts, astronomical engineers, and cosmologists. Their job isn't easy. Due to the cosmos' constant change, the study of it is never concrete, and new discoveries are constantly being made. Extraterrestrial life has not yet been proven in the field of science. That doesn't mean they don't exist, nor does it mean they haven't been much closer than we've thought all along. It's hard to find something when you're looking in the wrong place, no? But then again, most new discoveries in the field of science are found that way: by accident."

   -  On the Quite-Possible Existence of Aliens, SomethingStrange.US , August 2015

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