Chapter 10: Alien

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Update 8/19/2017: And check out this more hella amazing fanart by @AwkwardScientists! It's Ethan!! This is just so cute, I love it! Y'all should totally check out their page and their tumblr, @ sugar-syringe :D

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   It comes as no surprise that we find Ethan waiting for me by the fence with our bikes when we arrive on school grounds. The almost comedic look of shock on his face when he sees Ying is actually enough to make her giggle, adorable as that sounds. We simply pass him as we continue on to the school, and I graciously choose to ignore the incredulous look Ethan sends my way, seeming to imply something along the lines of "ho damn, do you have a lot to explain, mister". And honestly, I don't really mind doing that when I get back.

    I know, it's a shock, but even my best friend can't put a damper on this good mood. And believe me when I say this is a first.

    Thankfully I don't have to stop to tell Ethan that I'll be coming back for my bike, because that much is at least obvious, and I'm able to continue my walk with Ying in silence. I suppose it's probably kind of weird that we don't talk at all as we walk, at least compared to the norms of boy-girl-dating interactions, but neither of us really mind. Well, I mean, I certainly don't; it's a nice change from my friends who are always talking actually. Then again, it's not like I dislike talking with her either, I'm just afraid of messing something up.

   This whole situation seems fairly fragile, and I honestly don't know what I'm supposed to be doing. To be honest, now I know why I haven't had a girlfriend before this; I've probably scared them all off without even realising it. But not Ying apparently, which... makes me all the happier that she came to talk to me.

    Only after we enter the dark, locker filled hallways of the highschool, Ying finally speaks up. "S-so... My locker is that direction, but you're uh, going to the gym, right?" She murmurs, and points down a hallway that's in the opposite direction of the gym.

    "Oh. Yeah. That's right." I reply lamely, practically sticking my foot in my mouth there. Damn it. "But, you don't have to come with me, it's alright. Thanks for walking back with me by the way." I add as I quickly manage to save my blundering response.

    When I smile down at her, her cheeks instantly tint with a bright blush. "O-of course! I didn't mind!" She squeaks out adorably. Before I know what she's doing, she startles me by quickly moving forward to wrap her arms around me in a tight hug.

   "Thank you by the way... And uh, well, s-see you later!" She stammers, and just as quickly as it came, the hug is over. Swiftly she turns to bolt down the other hallway, probably out of embarrassment, while leaving me standing there just as flustered as she is.

    By the time I can't hear her footsteps echoing down the corridor anymore, a stupid grin has managed to work it's way onto my face. God, is this what it's like to have a girlfriend? I'm starting to really appreciate her finally working up the courage to talk to me. If she hadn't, well, I might never have even known we go to the same school!

     These happy thoughts won't stop bouncing through my head, even as I start to make my way to the gym, and the stupid grin never even leaves my face. This practically makes being hit by a car worth it, I mean, how could a day have turned around so drastically? Hell... I can hardly believe the repercussions one mistake had on today, what might have just been a regular Monday is now so much more. I have a girlfriend now, or a date with a girl at least, and I found out that Sundo... found out that my old childhood friend is still alive.

    Just the thought of it finally manages to bring down my good mood somewhat, and I actually feel a twinge of regret for just a moment. I did just find out he still existed, and he probably ended up saving my life, if not preventing serious injuries. And yet I still reacted so horribly to him, he's probably heartbroken right now. I didn't really need to say those things to him, did I? No, I might not have, but I'm just not ready for him to be back yet. Maybe given some time..? I just don't know, it's still a shock to even know he's alive, let alone still around.

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