Chapter 12: A Warm Feeling

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Consciousness returns to me slowly, almost body part by body part. First I'm aware of the cool grass sticking to my cheek, and then the rough brick wall at my back and the stiff ache to my shoulders. I almost wish I could reach out and snatch back the peaceful bliss of sleep, so I can go back to floating on that problemless cloud where real life has no standing. But cold hard reality has wrapped its fist around my mind, and it slowly squeezes tighter and tighter, till every last drop of sleep has left my mind.

On another dreadful note, my nose is freezing.

With a groan, I curl up tighter into a ball, knowing chasing sleep is futile but... I can at least just lay here... for a little longer... Strangely enough, the rest of my body doesn't feel as cold as my nose. A little stiff and sore maybe, but not frozen to the point of no longer being able to feel the extremity. I find myself struggling to understand the oddity, and I suppose a little bit of grogginess still clings to my brain, since I can't shake the warm and fuzzy enveloping feeling I have.

Hazily, I move to push myself up into a sitting position, feeling my bones creak in protest as I do so. The movement has something coarse brushing over my skin that I don't understand at first; Two and two bump against each other in my head for a couple moments before they come together, and I abruptly realise why the rest of me is warmer than my nose. I lean my back against the brick wall behind me, and look down at the bluish-green fabric that is balled up in my fists. A fleece blanket is wrapped around my shoulders for a reason I don't understand, and I struggle to push through the grogginess of sleep to figure out why. When did I ever get a blanket..?

My vision fades in and out of focus a bit with fatigue, and I blink to clear away the feeling. My gaze adjusts to be treated with the familiar view of Joshua's backyard, and just like that everything seems to come back to me, hitting my sleep-addled senses in a cold, sobering wave. I remember trying to talk to Joshua last night, I'd been mad about the girl, and— he wouldn't let me in, he had a friend over, and I couldn't bring myself to leave despite that. I felt replaced, and I stayed outside all night like a punished dog. My jaw clenches involuntarily, but I force myself to relax. It's not his fault I stayed, I scold myself, and it's not wrong of him to seek company. I just wish it'd be my company.

But the blanket. I prompt myself to try to remember, but, I know I didn't have it before I went to sleep... However... I do remember seeing a similar blue blanket draped over the side of the couch in Joshua's living room. The connection is like a happy pill that takes effect immediately: Once I realise, I can't help the cheek splitting grin that works its way onto my face of its own accord.

Joshua must have given it to me while I was sleeping, there's no other explanation. I mean, how else could I have gotten the blanket? If anyone else had found me, they would have surely woken me up and made me leave, considering the fact that camping outside someone's house is typically unacceptable behaviour. But if Joshua found me and gave it to me... Just the thought of him being concerned for me has the warmth from the blanket spreading to my insides in a light feeling that bubbles in my chest, making me feel excited and giddy.

I hug the blanket against myself tighter for a moment, enjoying not only its warmth, but also the faint smell of his house that reminds me of Joshua. Not only that, but I'm smiling stupidly as I think about what it could mean for my relations with my favorite human. Has he actually accepted me? Or is he apologizing? The giddiness is exuberating!

But my racing thoughts have to come to a fizzing halt as reality checks me; I hear the front door click and swing open. I'm still hiding beside Joshua's house, I remind myself, and my ear twitches as my head turns in the direction the sound. I am able to pick up at least two sets of footsteps, one of which I know is Joshua's.

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