Chapter 3: Truth

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A/N: So I've decided on an updating schedule! From now on new chapters will come every Friday, unless otherwise stated or if something comes up, which I'll strive to let you guys know if I'll be late with a chapter. I'll also let you know if I plan on changing this schedule. In any case, I should give y'all a violence warning for this chapter. But don't worry too, too much about it. Without further adieu, here's the chapter!

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"...Hey Sundo?"


Sundo tilts his head to the side to look at Joshua, who is lying beside him. The two of them are lying side by side on Joshua's bed, both of them tired out from laughing and running around the room.

"...Why are you so afraid of adults?" Joshua asks this in a quiet murmur, as if to keep from scaring Sundo.

The boy beside him stiffens, and when Sundo doesn't answer right away he starts to regret the question. Sundo instead chews the inside of his cheek nervously, shifting his emerald gaze to the wall to watch the patterns of light shining on it through the window blinds.

"You don't have to answer," Joshua adds quickly, "I was just wondering."

Sundo shakes his head. "No... It's okay. I just.. I haven't been completely honest.. with you. When I first got here there were some that... I just-- because of them, I c-can't really trust any of them."

Joshua's eyes widen somewhat at Sundo's raw admittance to this. He hadn't expected such a honest answer, even if he doesn't know exactly what he means.

"What do you mean 'when you first got here'?" He asks, rolling over to sit up and look down at Sundo.

It's been a little over a week now since Joshua and Sundo had first met. Due to Sundo's apparent fear of other humans, namely the adults, the two of them had spent almost all of their time together in Joshua's room. At first this hadn't been extremely strange of Joshua to do, as it's been extremely hot outside lately anyway, but considering Joshua's normally sporty and active nature, it isn't surprising his mother began to worry after a few days.

He hadn't been leaving his room all day, nor had he let anyone into his room, and whenever she did come in he'd always seem frazzled. He hadn't seemed to be getting a lot of sleep lately either, which really pushed her to ask her son about the sudden change. He'd always smile widely though, and tell her some long, random, non-sensical story until she just gave up and told him to 'be quiet and eat his dinner'.

Joshua really didn't like lying to his parents though, and he is really starting to hate keeping Sundo a secret. He understands his fear, but now he's really looking for an explanation as to why he's so afraid. Why his new best friend has to run away at the very sound of an adult's voice.

Because of this deep sediment, their previously carefree conversation has now taken a fairly serious turn at Joshua's question, and there are now no more traces of humor in their young faces, especially Sundo's.

"There was a crash.." Sundo mumbles again a response Joshua has already heard several times.

The brunette shakes his head, "I already know that. But how is that how you got here?"

Sundo drops his gaze from Joshua's, unable to hold it. "I... From the sky... I kinda.. fell." His voice is almost inaudible, but Joshua still manages to pick up what he'd said.

"Like.. a plane crash?" Joshua whispers in disbelief.

Sundo shakes his head again. "No, it was a rock. I was inside it for some reason, I don't know, but then it hit and shattered and.. those scary people were there, and I..."

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