Chapter 14: Saturday Cinema

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   The midday traffic of Saturday movie-goers is an ever-moving sea around me as I sit on a bench outside the movie theater. I can't help but tap my foot with nervous energy as I watch each person go by, looking for a familiar face and missing one every time.

  It's exactly 10:00, which is the time Ying and I decided we'd meet. Since I showed up early, I've been here for maybe twenty minutes already, hoping to catch her incase she showed up early as well, but to no avail. I try to keep my thoughts positive — It's not strange for people to show up a couple minutes late to stuff, it's really not. Its...

  But her pale, startled face from yesterday flashes in my mind again, and something akin to worry twinges within my ribcage. She'd at least message me if she wasn't going to show up, right? Right? But after yesterday... I'd tried to approach her during lunch, hoping maybe to talk to her about anything I did to upset her, but I got a similar reaction to that morning. Worse even. She didn't even want to look at me! Teary-eyed, she'd kept her gaze on her lunch and tried valiantly to ignore me, even as I earnestly tried for her to at least hear me out.

   Eventually it was her friends who'd forced me to leave; The two girls were furious. I feel glad I made it out of there in one piece actually, the two of them seemed ready to rip me to shreds. Whatever they think I've done... It must be awful to earn this kind of reaction, and it only baffles me more. I thought Ying and I had gotten along fine? But...

  From my pocket comes a startling buzz, and I jolt out of my thoughts. I scramble to see what the notification is, my heart rate is accelerated, and I'm dreadfully hopeful as I pull my phone out. However, my spirits sink as I see the only message is from Maggie. Not that I don't mind her messaging me, but, well... Of course I was hoping it was Ying... But no matter. I swipe the notification to the side and unlock my phone to open it, where I find her text reads:

  > Surprise! guess who found her phone aftr all! dis chick, heheh ;D

   I don't really recall her having lost it actually, but— then again, she and Ethan were arguing over something most of yesterday, so it's likely this is what it was about. It's good she found it though, at least. I'm about to text her that much when my phone buzzes with another message from her. She seems to have noticed I read her text already, apparently.

   > oh! Wait hows your date goin so far, J? Why you checking your messages, get off your phone son!

  Sighing, I give a rueful smile as I text back:

   > She hasn't shown up yet. I'm waiting outside the movie theater now.

   Her response comes instantaneously; I can almost hear the rapid flurry of key strikes on her part.

   > oh!! what the mess?? Im sorry man! Was she supposed to show already? :o

  > Well, technically yes, but only a little while ago, so I'm not worried.

  > i smell lies.

  >It's okay tho J, dont stress. shell be there! 👍

   These last two texts from her come in quick succession, and then there's a pause where the little typing dots come up on her side a couple times, before disappearing each time. She seems to be trying to say something else, but I spare her the trouble by simply responding:

   > Thanks.

   I click my phone off after and slip it back into my pocket, looking back up at the passing faces again quickly to see if I missed Ying in my distraction. I didn't. When I still don't see that familiar face I'm looking for after another moment, my foot starts tapping again on it's own, and I pull out my watch again to check. It's 10:10. She's ten minutes late. But no matter, it's fine. I'm positive she's coming, and if she's not, she'll at least text.

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