I'll never let them hurt you I promise

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I woke up with a shudder.
I didn't recognise where I was and it was freezing cold.
I appeared to be in some sort of abandoned building. My clothes were still damp and sticky with something and the only source of light was the shafts of moonlight falling into the building.
I shuddered again.
I got to my feet and began to slowly search for the exit.
As I did my feet came in contact with something solid, yet somewhat soft. I knelt down and touched it before recoiling in horror.
It was a body.
I could see now, the reflection of their staring, unseeing grey eyes in the moonlight, petrified.
I turned it over with my foot. They couldn't have been more than 19. I saw it then. Their neck.
It was drenched in scarlet, mauled like a wild animal had had at it. I had to bite my knuckles to stifle a scream.
I stumbled backwards a little and only managed to run a few feet before my feet hit something else. Another body.
I counted four before I made it out into the crystal moonlight, my stomach turning at each pair of  lifeless eyes still haunting my vision.
I shivered harder in the cold night air and dug my phone out of my pocket. It had remained intact by some small miracle. I clicked my most recently called number and waited.

"Pete?" A confused voiced mumbled from the other line.

"Mikey...I don't know where I am." I stammered.

"What? What d'you mean you don't know where you are?" He sounded alert now.

"I mean it's dark and I'm cold and I'm scared please come and get me. I...I think it happened again." I bit my lip and hugged myself to retain what little warmth I had left.

"Okay I'm tracking your phone stay put, I'm coming." I heard some clattering and then the call ended.

I sat down with my back against the rotting wood of the building. The collar of my shirt was painted crimson and my jaw ached with a dull throbbing pain. I had a hideous feeling I knew exactly what was going on but I didn't want to think about that right now. Mikey would be here soon. He'd see what had happened. He'd tell me it was a wolf or a wild dog and he'd take me home and make me tea like always. Everything was fine.
I was doing a poor job of convincing myself.

I was scared shitless as to what was going to happen. What if it wasn't a dog or a wolf?
Mikey had run away with me when he was only 18. I'd been living rough for a few years and he came from an abusive home to say the least. He was 21 now and we were going to get married. I'd never had any money for a ring but that didn't matter. We sworn we'd do it since the day we left. I think I'd known all along that ending was a long shot for our story. Especially when your story involves a monster.
That monster being me by the way, hi.


A car rolled up and a caffeine buzzed, tousled haired Mikey Way jumped out. He had a small gun in hand and a silver knife sticking out of one pocket.

"Pete" He gasped.

"Mikey." Tears were falling before I could stop myself. He embraced me and held me so tight that for a moment, everything was okay.

"What's going on?" He asked gently.

"Inside." I whispered pointing to the building.

Mikey grabbed a flashlight from the car and went inside. He returned a few moments later looking solemn.

"Vampire." He confirmed softly, as if not to frighten me. But at this point I was already out of my wits with fear.

"Sure?" I stammered.

"Positive. You don't remember anything? At all?" Mikey asked.

I shook my head sadly.

Mikey sighed heavily and sank to the floor.
"Pete I gotta tell you something. Those last two attacks, they weren't wolves."

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