Hit the road, pretty boy

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The sun was about to disappear beyond the horizon any minute now and I was still stood in the goddamn parking lot. I'd been here a good 20 minutes. Guess that's what you get when you rely on your fucking brother for a lift home. Not like I had much of a choice since some asshole slashed my tyres. Needless to say why.
I pulled my phone out and rang Gerard.
"Where the fuck are you, I'm by the car" I grumbled
"Oh shit, right. I uhh...hold on."
There was a pause from Gerard's end of the line and I heard some gasping and swearing in the background.
"You're fucking gambling, aren't you?" I asked, outraged.
"Yeah hold up." I heard him mutter to someone else. "Yes. I am. Now stop wasting my time I'll be out when I'm done." He laughed at something.
"Oh I swear to God...I don't give a shit, if you play more than you've got I'm not fucking anyone else to get you out of it you-"
I kicked the door of the car hard as he cut me off.

This is what you get having a gang member as a brother. The amount of fist fights, drug deals and late nights I've found myself in because of him is beyond belief. I'm only 17 I shouldn't be saving his ass all the time.
I groaned and pushed my hair out of my face. He could be hours. I turned to look for the nearest place I could go. I could probably go for food in the time it'd take him though I wasn't all that hungry. I never seemed to be these days.

I turned and my eyes fell on somebody the other side of the parking lot. They were stood too far away for me to make out much, except that they were staring at me. Perhaps it was one of Gerard's 'colleagues.' I knew most of them by now.
Oh shit they were walking towards me now. I began to slowly back away, not wanting to risk taking my eyes off them to turn around.
As I did they quickened their pace.
I could see them properly now. My heart froze in my chest. This wasn't one of Gerard's guys.
His jacket, his shoes, the tattoo peaking out from under his sleeve said it all.
He was one of Iero's.
And that was fucking awful news of the brother of the infamous Gerard Way.
Gerard only had one 'arch-rival' as he put it. He had many, many people who disliked him and a good few who wanted him dead but Frank Iero was something special. They'd both come near enough to killing each other, escaping by only the skin of their teeth on far too many occasions and right now one of his men was walking right at me.
I whipped around and broke into a sprint. The thumping footsteps behind me informed me that he'd chosen to do the same.

Oh god where could I go? I was running and I didn't know where to, I just kept running and running. I glanced backwards but saw nobody.
I had about half a second to be confused before I crashed to the floor as the weight of an entire person smashed into my side.
I yelped as a sharp pain slashed across my cheek.
"Stop!!" I screamed helplessly, shielding my eyes with my arm, pinned down and terrified.
The same pain seared across my opposite cheek. "PLEASE!" I yelled desperately.
"I have my instructions, Way." The voice snarled yet I could have sworn I heard it tremble over the word 'instructions but then, it could have just been me, deluded with fear.
"Way!" I gasped. "I'm not Gerard! Please stop, I'm not Gerard!"

This actually made him stop. He sat upright, still pinning me down with his weight on my hips.
He cocked his head to the side curiously. "...Way." He repeated. "You're his brother."

I said nothing.
"I'm sure you'll do just as nicely." He sounded uncertain.

My heart jolted again.
"I thought you had 'instructions' " I said quickly.

He paused again. He really wasn't very good at his job.

"I do..." He said as if he was reevaluating.

"Not very specific then are they? Let me guess, Iero sent you?" I was trying to buy as much time as possible.

He nodded. I noticed then the knife he held in his right hand was trembling. He had black bangs that fell in his eyes and his hood had fallen down and rested against his shoulders. He had pretty eyes. Warm. Not those of a killer. And full of panic and fear. He didn't want to be here any more than I did.

"Iero's not a nice guy. Neither is my brother if I'm honest. I wouldn't ever choose this life." I admitted

"I don't know why I'm still talking to you. He'll shoot me if I come back empty handed. Some guy...Trohman I think his name was. Lost $400 in a game on his behalf and" He drew his finger across his throat in a quick motion.

"Poor guy...and it'll be even worse if he doesn't shoot me." The boy shivered.

"Worse?" I asked, gently removing the knife from his hand and placing it on the ground. To my surprise, he let me.

"Well you know how it is. There's only three things they care about. Three things we get sent to do. There's the drugs and money. I'm no good at math I can't make a solid deal. Then there's violence which I've never had the guts for but I can't take any more of the third..." He trailed off.

"Sex?" I asked, raising an eyebrow, surprised, I mean he was pretty but really.

He nodded "You can only suck so many dicks before you start to question how much you're getting payed."

"Mmm I feel you." I laughed even though it felt a little out of place.

"You too?"

"Can't pay off your brother's deal in cash? Guess you gotta find another way." I shrugged uncomfortably.

"I got nowhere. I gotta do what they tell me or I dunno what." The boy sighed heavily.

"Well go on then. It'll save me driving some drunkards with guns home." I sighed, letting my muscles relax and closing my eyes.

He looked at his knife reluctantly. "You're too pretty for that." He smiled

"Since when do tough guys call each other pretty?" I laughed

"I'm not sure and I'm not sure since when they sit on each other in parking lots but I can roll with it."

I laughed again and opened my eyes.

His face lit up as I did, as if he'd just had a great idea.

"Was that your car you were waiting by?" He asked

"No, my brother's."

"Doesn't matter. I can open it, no trouble." He grinned.

I glanced at him curiously.
"Are you suggesting I run away with some guy who tried to cut my throat a few minutes ago?" I grinned

"I assure you I'll do a better job of that than I did murdering you."

I slammed the car door in the passenger seat and watched as by some miracle the boy who was still a little blood stained managed to start the car with no keys.

"You pick up some neat stuff from people sometimes." He shrugged at my impressed face. "We'll get you patched up once we're outta here. Sorry about that." He blushed "I'm Pete by the way."

My phone flashed up with a familiar number and I declined it with a mischievous grin.
"I'm Mikey. Let's hit the road, pretty boy."

I know, I'll write an au about gangs and prostitution because why the fuck not?
I really don't know where this came from but here it is regardless. I suppose this is happier than the last one maybe.
I might post the sequel to cherry kobra next.
I'm going to get back to songs about Mikey first though, that's highly due an update oops.
Hope you're all having a great day and see you in the next chapter, thanks for the comments votes and reads!! (*^-^*)
~Lauren xoxo

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