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I was sat watching an indigo girl from the back of the class, she was swivelled round in her chair to face a tall scarlet boy. Captain of the football team. I watched him smirk and brush off her comments but observed the patch of magenta growing in his stomach in small spots. As she twirled her hair round her finger her cheeks were turning sky blue. She reached over and touched his hand and lilac began to grow from fingernail to wrist on the pair as he laughed and she blushed hard.

A teacher entered right on time. A washed out purple lady. As the lesson progressed and we still failed to understand which side of a triangle was a hypotenuse I could see a navy patch appear and expand in her chest as she sighed and sat down.
Half way through the lesson a boy stumbled in muttering apologies.
He'd joined a month or two ago, head down mentality, going out of his way to fly under the radar. But this boy, he'd caught my eye from the moment I saw him.

He was grey.

Nothing about that ever changed. No joke that he heard, no embarrassment that befell him. It was always grey with him. I didn't understand it.
I'd seen people in every shade before, daffodil yellow, baby blue, soft peach and bright turquoise. But nobody like him.
He slouched into a desk and stared vacantly at the board until the bell went.
"You studied for the test?" The orange kid in front of me asked his friend as he slung his bag over his shoulder.
The pink in his friend's face faded instantly to a pale green "Test?!" He asked.

I looked for the grey boy as I walked to the art block but he was nowhere to be seen.

I passed my brother leaving the classroom I was entering he had little turquoise spots appearing on his stomach as he spoke to a short boy with flushed purple cheeks.
I don't know why I expected any less.
This is exactly why we're known as the 'Gay brothers.' I know 'gay' and 'way', it rhymes wow great pun dude fucking hilarious.

After classes ended I was walking through the school out towards the front with Patrick- a short pale blue boy, Joe- a curly haired bright orange boy and Ryan- a lilac boy with heavy eyeliner. Patrick's chest and face were a dark navy from the test he'd just failed. As always I was the only one who sensed his heavy mood.
"Cheer up, Trick it doesn't matter." I reassured him.
"Yeah whatever." He muttered.
Joe elbowed him, let's go to the park later you can push Ryan in the pond. A slight purple crept into Patrick's face at that and he offered Joe a small smile.
There was a crash up ahead and I looked and saw the grey boy pick himself up off the floor then continue to jump at the top of some lockers unsuccessfully.
The three of us exchanged a glance.
I walked ahead of the others and straight up to the boy.
"Hey. Are you alright?" I asked.
He started but his face didn't change.
"Yeah." He said simply.
I saw the pile of books on top of the locker in front of him.
"You want me to get that?" I offered. He was shorter that I'd thought now that I was speaking to him.
He hesitated.
"Please." He sighed.
I grabbed the books and handed them to him.
"Thanks. I'm Urie's latest game." He sighed.
Ryan's face went violently blue at that. I'd suspected he liked Brendon for some time now but I wasn't going to say anything until he did.
"I'll kick his ass for you." I grinned.
"Yeah sure string-bean." He raised an eyebrow. Patrick chuckled.
"Watch it or I'll put those back." I gestured to the books. "You walking home?"

"Yeah." He said nervously.

"Walk with us, it'll be fun."

He swallowed hard. "Yeah okay."

"Oh and I'm Mikey Way."

"I think I've heard of you..."

"Yeah I'm sure. Patrick, Joe and Ryan." I pointed to the guys watching me with bemused expressions.

"Pete Wentz." He introduced himself.

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