My fight.
I'm on my way to find truth.
They said things.
They only said.
Just have to learn how to stand for myself.
My fight to make myself better.
My way is only mine.
No one can learn my mistakes, better than myself.
I'm zero in eyes of others.But when I am myself.
I fight for others.
My fight.
You can fight harder ,but I fight smarter.
I fight with good and reason in my heart.
My only revenge is my smile.
I have to tell I am better fighter.
You fight with hate,I fight with love.
Love only makes me stronger.I'm on my way to get better.
I'm fighting my own battles.
Never give up.
You have to fight to being light to this world.
Bring happiness to all.
Fight with courage and your heart.
You can be savior.
Don't be afraid.
Just be yourself.
Make yourself comfortable to love.
Shake all the bad from you.
No one can stop you or hurt you.
Because you fight for good and with good.Be soldier to your family and friend.
To save this world.
You on your way to the top.
Just be yourself.
Always keep fighting.
Never give up.Forget sword or weapon.
Only remember to fight with your heart.
You will win everything.
Moonsong of midnight
PoezjaOne song for you my dear reader. For you. Never give up. Be yourself. Always keep fighting. Never give up. Some poems about courage, heart, giving, love, pain and winning. I'm wish this poems can make you better. My little, sweet Moonsong of midnigh...